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单词 jump
jump/dʒ ʌmp/ v & n

v (1)跳,跃(move quickly off the ground with a springing movement)[II+prepI+advI+n+prep]:How high can you~? 你能跳多高?~clear of a car/across a puddle/into the air/into a taxi/off a roof/onto the ground/over a wall/through a window/to one's feet 跳着躲开汽车/越过小水坑/高高跳起/跳进出租车/跳下屋顶/跳至地面/跳过墙/越过窗户/一跃而起;~up and down/up to catch a ball 跳上跳下/跳起接球;Tom can~1.30 metres. 汤姆能跳起1.3米。〖同〗leap,spring,pitch,bound;
 (2)跳(跃)过(go or pass over sth by jumping)[T+n]:~a fence/stream/railing/curb 跳过篱笆/小溪/栏杆/路缘;~a horse over a fence 纵马越过篱笆;~the lights 闯红灯;
 (3)惊(猛)跳(make a startled movement)[I]:The noise/bang made her~.那声音/巨响吓了她一跳。Mary's heart~ed when she heard the news. 听到那消息玛丽的心猛地一跳。〖同〗start;
 (4)暴涨,激增(rise or increase suddenly by a large amount)[II+n+prep(by)]:The price of coffee/shares~ed last month. 上个月咖啡/股票的价格暴涨。Profits~ed from $3.5 million to $20 million in a year.一年中利润从350万激增至2000万美元。The prices of fish~ed ten pence in one week.一周内鱼的价格涨了10便士。Prices~ed by 40% last month. 上个月价钱暴涨40%。〖同〗skyrocket;
 (5)跳(隔)过,略去(change suddenly from one point to another;omit or skip in between)[I+prep(from,to),I+to-infT+n]:~from one topic/subject to the next (another) 突然从一个话题/题目跳到下一个(另一个)话题/题目;~several steps in an argument/quite a few chapters in the book 论证跳越几个阶段/跳过书中一些章节;~the queue 插队;夹塞;〖同〗pass,switch;
 (6)突然袭击(attack suddenly)[T+n](infml):The mob~ed an old man on the subway. 那伙坏蛋在地铁袭击一老人。〖同〗attack;
 (7)扒车(travel on a train without paying)[T+n](infml)(通常 AmE):~a freight train 扒货车;
 (8)跳离正常位置((of a device) go suddenlyesp out of its correct position)[II+prepI+adv]:a typewriter that~s 一台爱跳键的打字机;
 jump down sb's throat 对……大为生气,气恼地和人说话:The teacher~ed down Billy's throat when Billy said he did not do his homework. 当比利说他没写作业时,老师非常生气。
 jump the gun 抢先起跑: The runners were called back because one of them~ed the gun. 赛跑者被叫了回来,因为他们中有一人抢跑了。
 jump out of one's skin 大吃一惊:The door slammed with such a bang that I nearly~ed out of my skin. 门如此砰地猛然关上,使我大吃一惊。
 jump to conclusion 匆忙下结论,立即认为: Don't~to conclusion,Rob. How do you know?鲍勃,不要匆忙下结论,你是如何知道的?
 jump to it 赶快:If you don't~to it you will miss the train. 要是你不快些,会误火车的。
 jump at (v prep) 急切地抓住(机会)(vt):~at the chance 抓住机会;
 jump on (v adv)(infml)责骂,严厉批评(vt):Mary~s on Tom every time when he makes the slightest mistake. 只要汤姆出点小错玛丽就斥责他。
 →′jumped-up adj 自大的;′jump-jet n 垂直起降喷气机;′jump-leads n(汽车)跨接电缆线;′jump-off n(赛马)平分决胜;′jump-start v & n(汽车)助推起动;
 n (1)跳,跃(act of jumping)[C]:a fine/superb~优美/绝妙的一跳;a~of 8 feet 八英尺的一跳;the long/high~跳远/高;the hop,step and~三级跳;get to one's feet with a~一跃而起;make 145~s in a minute 一分钟跳145次;〖同〗bound,leap,spring;
 (2)需跨越的障碍(obstacle to be jumped over)[C]:water~(障碍赛马中的)水沟障碍;The horse cleared all the~s. 马跨过了所有障碍。〖同〗obstacle,barrier;
 (3)惊跳,吓一跳(startled movement)[C]:give sb a~使某人吓一跳;She gave a~when the door suddenly banged shut. 突然间门砰的一声关上了,她吓了一跳。the~s (infml):心惊胆战,惊悸不安;get the~on sb(infml)占优势,胜过;keep(be,stay,etc) one~ahead(of sb)(比……)超前(抢先)一步;
 (4)暴涨,激增(sudden rise in amountpricequality or value)[C] [N(on)]:a~in car export/the price of food 汽车出口猛增/食品价格暴涨;a considerable/big~in sales/the number of the unemployed 销售量/失业者人数骤增;
 →′jumpy adj 跳跃的;焦虑不安的;′jumpily adv 跳跃地;焦虑不安地;′jumpiness n 跳跃;焦虑不安;





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