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单词 去伪存真

去伪存真qù wěi cún zhēn

discard what is false and keep what is genuine; disentangle (/winnow)truth from falsehood; eliminate (get rid of) the false and retain the true
❍ 就必须经过思考作用,将丰富的感觉材料加以去粗取精、~、由此及彼、由表及里的改造制作工夫,造成概念和理论的系统,就必须从感性认识跃进到理性认识。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》26) …it is necessary through the exercise of thought to re construct the rich data of sense perception,discarding the dross and selecting the essential,eliminating the false and retaining the true,proceeding from one thing to another and from the outside to inside,in order to form a system of concepts and theories—it is necessary to make the leap from perceptual to rational knowledge.


discard the fake and retain the genuine; eliminate the false and retain the true;sift the true from the false
北京电视台的“天下收藏” 节目,目的是为了~。The program “Collections Under Heaven” presented by Beijing TV aims at eliminating the fake and preserving the genuine.

去伪存真qù wěi cún zhēn

把虚假的成分剔除掉,把真实的成分保留住。eliminate the false and retain the true, get rid of the false and retain the true, sift the true from the false





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:57:58