厢[廂]xiānɡ ❶ (厢房) wing (usu. of a one-storeyed house); wing-room: 西 ~ the western wing; 一正两 ~ a central room with two wing-rooms ❷ (类似房子隔间的地方) railway carriage or compartment; (theatre) box: 包 ~ box; 车 ~ carriage ❸ (靠近城的地区) the vicinity outside of a city gate: 城 ~ the city proper and areas just outside its gates; 关 ~ a neighbour ̄ hood outside of a city gate ❹ (边; 旁) side: 那 ~ that side; 让开大路, 占领两 ~ leave the high road alone and seize the land on both sides (as in mobile warfare); 一 ~ 情愿 one-sided wish; one's own wishful thinking ◆厢房 wing (usu. of a one-storeyed house); wing- room; appentice; 厢式车身 station wagon; 厢式挂车 van-type tailer; 厢式载货汽车 van |