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单词 厚此薄彼

厚此薄彼hòu cǐ bó bǐ

be partial to one while neglecting the other; discriminate against some and favour others; favour one and slight (/be prejudiced against) the other
❍ 至于各地方抗日力量,则宜一体爱护,不宜~; 信任之,接济之,扶掖之,奖励之。(《毛泽东选集》681)All the local anti-Japanese forces should be looked after equally well,without discriminating against some and favouring others; all of them should be trusted,provisioned,supported and encouraged with rewards.


favor one to the neglect of the other;favor one over the other;play favoritism;favor one and discriminate against the other; treat with partiality

厚此薄彼hòu cǐ bó bǐ

厚:重视;薄:轻视。重视这一方,轻视那一方。比喻不平等地对待双方。favour one and be prejudiced against the other, be unfair, say turkey to one and buzzard to another, be partial to one while neglecting the other





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