(动植物的雌性生殖细胞) ovum; egg; spawn: 单精受精 ~ monospermic egg; 成熟 ~ mature egg; 受精 ~ fertilized egg; zygote; 无黄 ~ alecithal ovum; 均黄 ~ homolecithal ovum; 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是 ~ 生的。 Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs.
◆卵白 white of an egg; albumen; 卵巢 oarium; ovarium; germarium; oophoron; ovary; epoophoron; organ of Rosenmüller; 卵黄 vitellus; yolk; yoke; vitelline lecitho-; vitell; 卵磷脂 lecithinum; lecithine; lecithin; phosphatidylcholine; ovolecithin; 卵泡 egg follicle; ovarian follicle; 卵生 oviparity; 卵石 pebble; cailloutis; grait; boulder; cobble; ratchel; gravel; grouan; 卵室 ooecium; ovicell; 卵受精 fertilization of ovum; 卵体外受精 egg's external fertilization; 卵细胞 egg; ootid; ovum (pl. ova); egg cell; 卵形 egg shape; oval; 卵翼 cover with wings as in brooding; shield; 卵用鸡 {农} laying fowl; layer; egg type chicken; 卵原细胞 oogonium; 卵质 archiblast; ooplasm; ovoplasm; 卵子 {生} ovum; egg