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单词 job
job/dʒɒb, AmE dʒɑ:b/ n

(1)工作,职业(位)(regular work or employment for which one is paid money)[C]:a part-time~非全日性工作;a government~-creation scheme 一项政府就业计划; create new~s 创造新的就业职位;get/look for/hunt for a~得到/寻找/寻找工作;have a~in a bank/bookstore 有一份银行/书店的工作;give up/lose one's~放弃工作/丢掉工作;take the~of foreign editor 接受外文编辑的工作;a~hunter 求职者;~safety/satisfaction 职业保障/补偿;~description工作说明;fill in a~application 填写工作申请;jobs for the boys (infml) 给追随左右支持自己的人的肥缺;〖同〗position,occupation,career,profession;

(2)一份活儿(工作)(single piece of work)[C]:It's his~to go and do the shopping. 他的活儿是去购物。get a~for sb 为某人找到一份工作;pay sb by the~计件付钱;I want a~,any sort of a~. 我需要份工作,任何活儿都行。different/repair~s 不同/修理的活儿;〖同〗 assignment,commission,piecework,lot;

(3)责任,任务,职责(anything one has to do;duty or responsibility)[C,通常sing]:It's his~to type the memo/entertain the guests. 他的任务就是打印备忘录/招待客人。Your~is to keep attendance. 你的任务就是保持出席率。〖同〗 work,task,responsibility,duty;

(4)犯罪行为(尤指盗窃,抢劫)(criminal deedesp theft or robbery)[C](infml):a bank~盗窃银行;pull a~进行抢劫;Tom got five years/was in prison for a~he did in London. 汤姆为曾在伦敦行窃而被判五年监禁/蹲监狱。

(5)难做的工作,困难的事(sth difficult to do)[C]:find it a~to make both ends meet 发觉很难使收支平衡;have a~finishing that piece of work on time 很难按时完成那份工作;It was a~finding his flat/to get him to agree. 很难找到他的住处/使他同意。

(6)干出的成果;产品(completed task or assignment)[C](infml):a~well done 干得出色的工作;The new building is a big~. 这座新建筑确实大。The Ford of his is a beautiful~.他的福特车真漂亮。〖同〗output,product,accomplishment,achievement;

give sb/sth up as a bad job 对某人/某事不再抱有希望: Tom has given Mary up as a bad~.汤姆不再对玛丽抱有任何希望。

a good job 幸运事,令人满意的状况: He's gone,and a good~too! 他走了,太幸运了!

just the job 正是需要的东西: Thanks for that screw;it was just the~.谢谢你给我那颗螺丝,那正是我所需要的。

make a good/excellent/bad/poor job of sth 干得不错(差): The builders have made a good~of it. 建筑工人干得非常好。

odd jobs 零碎(杂)活儿: He does odd~s for people in the neighbourhood.他为街坊四邻干杂活儿。

on the job 在工作(干活,忙着): He received his most valuable training on the~. 他从工作中得到了最有价值的训练。

→′jobless adj 失业的;′joblessness n 失业;′jobcentre n 就业服务中心





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