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❶ (靠近;接触) approach;reach;be near: 可望而不可 ~ within sight but beyond reach;
若 ~ 若离 be neither close nor distant;main a lukewarm relationship;keep sb. at arm's length
❷ (到;开始从事) assume;undertake: ~ 位 ascend the throne
❸ (就着) prompted by the occasion: ~ 兴 impromptu;~ 景应诗 write poems with what one sees before one's eyes as subject matter;strike off a poem for the occasion
❹ [书] (表示判断: 就是) be;mean;namely: 春节 ~ 农历新年。The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year. 非此 ~ 彼。 It must be either this or that. 元代建都于大都,~ 今之北京。The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu,now Beijing. 这条铁路连接两个城市,~ 纽约与芝加哥。 The railroad connects two cities,namely,New York and Chicago. Ⅱ (当下;目前) at present;in the immediate future: 成功在 ~。Success is in sight. Ⅲ [书] (就;便) promptly;at once: 黎明 ~ 起 get up as soon as it dawns;
闻过 ~ 改 correct one's mistake as soon as it is pointed out;
招之 ~ 来 be on call at any hour Ⅳ [书] (即使) even;even if: ~ 遇困难,亦应按期完成任务。 We should fulfill the mission even if we run up against difficulties. Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 费 Ji Fei
◆即便 even;even if;even though;
即或 even;even if;even though;
即将 be about to;be on the point of;soon;in no time;
即将到来 upcoming;
即景 be inspired by what one sees;
即景生情 The landscape evokes memories of the past.;The scene brings back memories.;
即刻 at once;immediately;instantly;right away;
即令 even;even if;even though;
即期 {经} on demand;immediate;spot;
即期外汇业务 spot exchange;
即日 this or that very day;within the next few days;
即溶咖啡 instant coffee;
即若 [书] even;even if;even though;
即时 immediately;forthwith;
即食麦片 granola;
即食面 instant noodles;
即使如此 even so;
即位 (位) take one's place;ascend [acced to;come to;mount;take] the throne;
即席 impromptu;extemporaneous;extempore;off the cuff;offhand;
即席伴奏 vamp;fake an accompaniment;
即席赋诗 write poems in the course of a dinner party;improvise a poem;
即心即佛 The Buddha is in the heart.;
即兴 impromptu;extemporaneous;
即兴讲话 improvisational speech

i.e.(id est;that is;that is to say)

that is; that is to say; namely;id est(i.e.)[拉]





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