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单词 危言耸听

危言耸听wēi yán sǒng tīng

make inflammatory(/provocative/shocking/startling) statement to attract attention; cry wolf;exaggerate things just to scare people; go in for sensationalism; raise an alarmist call; say frightening things just to cause an alarm
❍ 你们这些政治家向来是~,我不同你说这些了。(杨沫《青春之歌》496) You politicians always go in for sensationalism.I don’t want to talk about such things.
❍ 唯近来局势变化,另有企图者,往往利用和谈空气,~,扰乱治安。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》319) However,there have been some changes in the situation lately.Certain individuals with ulterior motives have taken advantage of the atmosphere created by the peace talk to spread dangerous rumours and make trou ble.
❍ 人,应当懂得做人的道德,人也应当不以~去破坏别人的幸福……(杨沫《青春之歌》122) Everyone should have some moral scruples,and not ruin the happiness of others by means of stirring words and flowery speeches.

危言耸听wei yan song ting

say frightening things to produce a great sensation


say frightening things to raise an alarm;exaggerate things to scare people; alarmist (or sensational) talk;create a sensation of fear
中方对…方的多次提醒和通报并非~。China has repeatedly warned the…side against such activities and we are not sounding false alarms./~,言过其实。This is an overstatement aimed at producing sensation.

危言耸听wēi yán sǒnɡ tīnɡ

危言:使人吃惊的话;耸听:使听话的人吃惊。形容故意说些吓人的话,使人听了吃惊、害怕。exaggerate things just to scare people, cry wolf, raise alarmist call, raise a false alarm





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