卫(衛);[衞]wèiⅠ (保卫) defend; guard; protect: 自 ~ self-defence; 保 ~ protect; defend; 防 ~ defend; 保家 ~ 国 protect our homes and defend our country Ⅱ ❶ (周朝国名) Wei, a state in the Zhou Dynasty ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 青 Wei Qing ❸ (用于地名) a word used in place names: 威海 ~ Weihaiwei (in Shandong Province) ❹ [书] (驴的别名) another name for donkey ◆卫报 {新} The Guardian; 卫兵 guard; bodyguard; 卫城 Acropolis; 卫道 defend traditional moral principles; 卫队 squad of bodyguards; armed escort; 卫护 protect; guard; safeguard; 卫护者 guardian; 卫良锄莠 protecting the good and rooting out the evil; 卫生 hygienism; hygiene; health; sanitation; 卫生城市 the hygienic city; the sanitational city; 卫生学 hygienics; hygiene; hygiastics; evectics; 卫士 bodyguard; 卫戍 garrison; 卫星 satellite; moon; artificial satellite; man-made satellite卫星城 satellite town; satellite city; 卫星导航 satellite navigation; 卫星地面接受站 satellite earth station; 卫星电视接收机 satellite television; 卫星通信 satellite communication; 卫星中转站 statellite relay; 卫星转播台 satellite station 卫wèi❶defense ❷weiqi; defensiveqi |