卤(鹵)[滷]lǔⅠ ❶ (盐卤) bittern ❷ {化} (卤素) halogen ❸ (用肉类、鸡蛋等做汤加淀粉而成的浓汁) thick gravy: 打 ~ 面 noodles served with thick gravy ❹ (饮料的浓汁) a thick infusion: 茶 ~ 儿 strong tea (to be diluted before drinking) ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 公孺 Lu Gongru Ⅱ (用盐水加五香或用酱油煮) stew in soy sauce: ~ 肉 pot-stewed large cuts of meat ◆卤化 {化} halogenate; 卤莽 crude and rash; reckless; 卤水 bittern; brine; 卤素 {化} halogen; 卤味 pot-stewed fowl, meat, etc. served cold; 卤质 alkali in the soil; 卤族 {化} halogen family 卤salted in soy sauce;cooked in light brine |