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单词 jam
jam2/dʒ æm/ v [-mm-]; n

v (1)把……塞(挤)进(press or squeeze tightly into a space)[尤 passT+n+prep(between/in/under);T+n+adv(in)]:~between two fat women 挤在两个胖女人之间;a boat~med in the ice 被夹在冰中的小船;~three apples in one's pocket/one's clothes into a small suitcase 往口袋里塞三个苹果/把衣服塞进小箱子中;The river was~med with logs. 河里漂挤着圆木。The bus was so full that I was~med in and couldn't move. 公共汽车上人太多了,我被挤得动弹不得。〖同〗 press,crowd;

(2)堵(塞)住,阻塞(crowd or be crowded full)[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~a road/a street/the traffic 堵塞道路/街道/交通;a room~med full of people and luggage 挤满了人和行李的房间;The hall was~med with people. 大厅中挤满了人。a river~med up with logs 河上堵满圆木;〖同〗crowd,overcrowd ;

(3)(使)卡(轧)住((cause to) become fixed or stuck)[IT+nT+n+adv(up)]:The gun/key has~med. 枪卡壳了/钥匙卡住了。~an access road 卡住岔道;There was something~ming (up) the lock. 有什么东西卡住了锁。〖同〗block,stick,suspend;

(4)干扰(interfere with by emitting signals of similar wavelength)[T+n]:~the guerrilla's transmissions/the enemy's stations 干扰游击队电台的发射/敌台的广播;

jam on(v adv)急刹车(vt): The driver~med on the brakes but failed to stop in time. 司机急刹车,但是没有及时停住。

n (1) 拥挤的人群,堵塞物(mass of people or things jammed together so that they cannot move freely)[C]:get caught in a traffic~交通堵塞;a log-~on a river 河上拥塞的圆木;〖同〗crowd,throng,pack,flock;

(2)困(窘)境(difficult or embarrassing situation)[C](infml):be in/get into a~处于/陷入困境;get out of a~摆脱困境;〖同〗 fix,trouble,mess





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