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单词 博学多才

博学多才博学多识bó xué duō cái

learned and versatile; knowledgeable and capable; have wide learning and great ability
❍ 爱说话而不爱抽烟的人,也许会惊奇这一位~的人为什么既然那么吝惜他的发言却又那么浪费他的香烟。(高云览《小城春秋》80) People who loved to talk but didn’t like smoking were surprised perhaps that this brainy chap who was so niggardly with his words should be so extravagant with his cigarettes.
❍ 他是博学多识的,他可以一段段地背诵《资本论》 以及其他名著的原文,这不禁引起青年同学们的惊讶与赞叹。(杨沫《青春之歌》432) He was extremely widely read himself,able to recite whole passages from Capital and other Marxist classics to the wonder and admiration of many students.

博学多才bó xué duō cái

学识渊博、才能高超。learned and capable, learned and versatile, knowledgeable and capable

博学多才bó xué duō cái

学识渊博、才能高超。learned and capable, learned and versatile, knowledgeable and capable





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