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单词 issue
issue/′ɪ ⨜ju:, BrE ′ɪsju:/ nv [-d,-d/d/,-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)问题,争论点(important problem or subject that is discussed or argued about)[C]:bring up/raise/resolve/settle an~提出/提出/解决/解决一个问题;argue/debate an~争论/辩论一个问题;avoid/evade/duck an~回避问题;complicate an~使问题复杂化;a burning~燃眉之急;a hottest/grave/thorny/sensitive/major/minor/side~最紧急/严重/棘手/敏感/重大/小/枝节的问题;a political/moral/social/universal~政治/道德/社会/带有普遍性的问题;the matter/question/point at~争论的问题/问题/焦点;be at/takewith sb about/on/over sth 就某事与某人争论;make an~(out) of sth小题大作,不一致,争论;

(2) 1)发行,分发(act of sending out or publishing)[U]:the~of stamps/a newspaper/a new edition of that book 邮票/报纸/那本书新版本的发行;on the day of~发行之日;the~of new rifles to the troops 给军队发放新枪支;the~of an order 命令的颁布; 2)出版物的一期,发行(分发)的物品(particular edition of magazine or newspaper;sth sent out)[C]:bring out/publish an~出版一期;I never miss an~of the magazine. 这种杂志我每期必读。 the April 5~of Life《生活》杂志4月5日那一期;a back/a current~过期/最近一期的期刊;a supplementary~增刊;a new~of coinage/banknotes/shares 新发行的硬币/钞票/股票;emergency~s of food to refugees 向难民紧急发放食品;

(3)流(放)出((instance of)coming out)[Ua~]:the place/the point of~流出的地方(点);an~of blood from the wound 伤口流血;

(4)结果(result or outcome)[Ua~](fml):abide/await the~of the events/contest 等待事情/比赛的结果;The battle decided the~of the war. 那场战斗决定了战争的结局。doubtful/happy/successful~难料/令人愉快/圆满的结果;No one knows what the final~will be. 没有人知道最后的结局将会怎样。

(5)子女,后代(child or children)[U]:The king's legal~inherited the throne. 国王的合法子嗣继承了王位。 die without~死时没有后代;

v(1)出版,发行(publish;put forth and circulate)[T+n] The book was~d last year. 这本书是去年出版的。~a new set of stamps/coins 发行一套新邮票/硬币;

(2)发表(出)(give out publicly or officially)[T+n+prep(to)](fml):~orders to the soldiers/a statement to the press 向士兵发出命令/向新闻界发表声明;~a declaration/joint communique 发表声明/联合公报;

(3)发放(给) (give out or distribute) [T+nT+n+prep(to/with)](fml):~a driving license/a passport 发放驾驶证/护照;~food to the earthquake victims/winter clothing to the troops/new textbooks to the students 给地震灾民发放食品/部队发冬装/学生发新课本;~the earthquake victims with food/the troops with winter clothing/the students with new textbooks 给地震灾民发放食品/部队发冬装/学生发新课本;

(4)出来,流出(come or flow out)[I+prep(from),I+adv(out/forth)+prep(from)]:Smoke~d from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里冒出来。 Laughter~d from the adjoining room. 从邻室里传来笑声。A stream~d from the bottom of the hill. 溪水从山脚下流出来。 Blood~d from the wound. 伤口流出血来。 Lava~d from the volcano. 岩浆从火山喷出来。thick smoke~ing forth from a volcano 从火山喷出的浓烟;They~d out into the street. 他们拥到街上。

(5)产生于,由……引起(come from or be a result of sth)[I+prep(from)](fml):a mistake~ing from carelessness 粗心大意造成的错误;Her insecurity~d from an unhappy childhood. 她的不安全感是由不幸的童年造成的。〖同〗 result,arise;






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