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单词 iron
iron/′aɪ ǝn, AmE ′aɪ ǝrn/ n & v

n (1)铁(commonhardsilver-whitemagnetic or magnetizable metallic elementwidely used for making toolsetc)[U]:forge/smelt~打铁/熔炼铁;I~rusts in moist air. 铁在潮湿的空气中会生锈。cast/pig/wrought/corrugated/scrap~铸/生/熟/波纹/废铁;ore containing~含铁的矿石;as hard as~像铁一样硬;~ore 铁矿石;an~bar/gate/railing/bridge/lung铁棒/门/栏杆/桥/肺;an~foundry/tablet 铸铁厂/含铁药片;the I~Age 铁器时代;Strike while theis hot.(prov)趁热打铁。

(2)熨斗(flat-bottomed instrument that is heated up and used for smoothing clothesetc)[C]:plug in/unplug a steam~插上/拔下蒸汽熨斗;an electric~ 电熨斗;

(3)铁制用具(tool made of iron)[C]:fire-~s 火炉用具;a branding-~(打烙印用)烙铁;an electric soldering~(焊接用)电烙铁;a curling~烫发钳;

(4)镣铐(chains)[pl]:put/clap sb in(to)~s 给某人戴上镣铐;

(5)铁一般的刚(坚)强(sth firm or unyieldinglike iron;great power or strength)[U](fig):a man/woman of~意志坚强的人;have a will of~有坚强的意志;an~will/character 坚强的意志/性格;~determination/discipline 坚定的决心/铁的纪律;impose an~rule (rule with an~hand) 施行苛政统治;anfist/hand in a velvet glove 外柔内钢;

have many/several irons in the fire同时有多种/几种对策;同时办多件/几件事:John has so many~s in the fire that he is bound to succeed with some of them. 约翰同时有那么多对策,肯定会有几种能成功。

→′ironbound adj 铁封的,坚固的;′ironclad adj 装甲的,难击破的;͵iron-′gray nadj 铁灰色(的);′iron-mo(u)ld n 铁锈;墨水迹;′ironware n铁器;′ironwork n 铁制品;′ironworks n 炼铁厂,铁工厂;

v 熨,烫(smooth clothes etc with a heated iron)[II+advT+n]:These clothes~easily/well when they are damp. 这些衣服潮湿的时候好熨烫。She has been~ing(away) all afternoon. 整整一个下午她都在熨衣服。~shirts/garments/trousers 熨衬衣/衣服/裤子;~ing board n 熨衣板;

iron out (v adv) 1)烫平(vt):~out creases/wrinkles/trousers/dresses 烫平皱褶/皱褶/裤子/衣裙; 2)(通过讨论,妥协等)消除(vt):~out differences of opinion/misunderstandings/sb's worries消除意见分歧/误解/某人的忧虑;~out difficulties/problems 解决困难/问题;

→′ironing n 熨烫,刚熨过(要熨)的衣服





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