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单词 单兵独马

单兵独马单枪匹马dān bīng dú mǎ

all by oneself; alone; single-handed
❍ 凌翥翔因见他的口气很硬,也只好将这些话回复他的七舅父高队官,~地回了平江。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—123) Zhuxiang realized it was quite impossible to persuade his stubborn friend to change his mind and so,after he had told his uncle what Jiaoshu had said,he left for Pingjiang all by himself.
❍ 总而言之,与其~,关起门来干,不如群策群力,声势大得多,你说对不对?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—231) In short,fighting all by ourselves single handed we will never be as powerful and effective as if we fight jointly with more people. Do you agree?/可是一转念: ~,搬往哪里去呢?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—19) However,her anger soon gave way to anxiety as she began to worry about where a helpless woman like herself could move to?/一个则依靠~,去同强大的敌人打硬仗。(《毛泽东选集》140) The latter means fighting single-handed in desperate combat against a formidable enemy.





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