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单词 involve
involve/ ɪn′vɒlv, AmE -′vɑ:lv/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)包括,需要(include by necessity;require)[T+nT+ing]:The plan~s the co-operation of both young and old. 这项计划需要老少通力合作。 Being a sailor~s long periods away from home. 当海员需要长期离家在外。Taking the job~s (my) traveling a great deal/living abroad. 做这份工作需要经常出差/住在国外。Housework~s cooking,washing dishes,sweeping and cleaning. 家务活儿包括做饭、洗碗和打扫房间。〖同〗 include,contain, comprise; 〖反〗exclude;

(2)涉及,牵涉(include or affect in its operation)[T+n]:a riot that soon~d thousands 很快有成千上万的人参加暴乱;a political dispute~ing six nations 涉及六个国家的政治争端; a matter~ing national security 涉及国家安全的事情;the problems/issues~d 涉及到的问题;This problem~s us all. 这个问题涉及到我们每个人。〖同〗implicate;

(3)使卷(陷)入,与……有牵连(draw in as a participant;bring into;be connected with)[C+n+prep(in)]:~sb in a quarrel/law suit使某人卷入一场争吵/官司;~a country in a war使一个国家卷入一场战争;get/be~d(~sb)in serious trouble/misfortune(使)某人陷入严重的麻烦/不幸之中;They are deeply~d in debt. 他们债台高筑。The young man was~d in the robbery/a crime. 那个年轻人与那件抢劫案/一件犯罪案有牵连。

(4)使专注(absorb)[C+n+prep(in)]:be heavily~d in working out a plan 专心制定计划;He was~d in reading the book all evening. 整个晚上他都在专心地读那本书。 be (become,get)~d with sb与……关系密切;

→in′volved adj 复杂的,不好懂的;有关联(系)的;in′volvement n 卷入,牵连





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