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[书] (环绕) surround;encircle;revolve around
另见 see also chǎn;dān;shàn;zhàn。


[书] (舒缓貌) slow and unhurried;leisurely
另见 see also chán;dān;shàn;zhàn。


❶ (一个) one;single:~ 扇门 single-leaf door;~ 丝不成线,独木不成林。 One strand of silk doesn't make a thread;one tree doesn't make a forest.
❷ (奇数的) odd:~ 号 odd numbers (of tickets,seats,etc.);~ 日 odd-numbered days;~ 只袜子 an odd sock
❸ (只有一层的) unlined (clothing):~ 裤 unlined trousers;~ 衫 unlined jacket
❹ (项目或种类少;不复杂) simple:简 ~ simple;plain
❺ (薄弱) thin;weak:~ 弱 thin and weak;frail;
你的衣服太 ~ 了。 Your dress is too little for the weather. Ⅱ ❶ (单独;独自) singly;alone:把这几件东西 ~ 放在一个地方。 Keep these things in a separate place. 那些白衣服放在一起洗,这件蓝的要 ~ 洗。 Wash the white clothes together,and the blue one separately.
❷ (只;光) only;alone;solely:不 ~ not only;
不要 ~ 凭热情去工作。 Don't work by enthusiasm alone. ~ 是技术好,不一定能做好工作,还要有认真负责的工作态度。 However skilled he may be,he is unable to do his work well without a sense of responsibility.
❸ (单单) only:你为什么 ~ 挑这件事批评呀? Why have you singled out this incident for criticism? 你怎么 ~ 在他不高兴的时候问他问题? Why do you choose to ask him questions at a time when he is unhappy? Ⅲ ❶ (盖在床上的大幅布) sheet:被 ~ top sheet;
床 ~ bed sheet
❷ (分项记载事物的纸片) bill;list:菜 ~ menu;bill of fare;
工资 ~ pay sheet;
工作记录 ~ work sheet;
价目 ~ price list;
名 ~ name list;
提货 ~ bill of lading
另见 see also chán;shàn。
◆单摆 {力} simple pendulum;
单板 {林} veneer;{计} one board;
单帮 [旧] travelling trader working on his own;a petty businessman making his bussiness trip on his own account;
单边 {经} unilateral;
单边带 {讯} single sideband (SSB);
单兵教练 {军} individual drilling;
单薄 (衣服薄而少) thin;little;(弱) thin and weak;frail;(内容不充实) insubstantial;flimsy;thin;
单产 per unit area yield;per unit yield;
单车 [方] bicycle;
单程 one way;one path;
单传 (of a family) have only one son for several generations;
单纯 simple;pure;alone;purely;merely;
单词 {语} (词) individual word;word;(由一个词素构成的词;单纯词) single-morpheme word
❸ {计} (字码) word;
单打 {体} singles;
单打一 (集中力量做一件事) concentrate on one thing only;(狭隘而刻板的思路) have a one-track mind;
单单 only; alone; 单刀 (短柄长刀) short-hilted broadsword;{武术} (用一把刀表演) single-broadsword event;{机} (单一切削刀具) single-tool;
单刀直入 enter with a single sword — come straight [right] to the point;make a direct attack on a subject;speak out without beating about the bush;without preliminaries;
单调 monotonous;dull;drab;monotony;humdrum;{数} monotone;
单丁 [旧] one without brothers;only son;
单独 alone;by oneself;on one's own;single-handed;solo;independent;
单发 {军} single shot;
单方 (民间流传的药方) folk prescription;home remedy;{中医} (指七方中的奇方) single drug prescription;simple recipe;(单方面) one-sided;unilateral;
单方面 one-sided;unilateral;
单飞 solo;solo flight;
单峰驼 {动} one-humped camel;dromedary;Arabian camel;
单干 (单独干活) work on one's own;go it alone;work by oneself;do sth. single-handed;(个体农户) individual farming;
单(气)缸 single cylinder;one cylinder;
单杠 {体} horizontal bar;
单个儿 (独自一个) individually;alone;(成套或成对中的一个) an odd one;
单挂号 {邮} single registration;
单轨 monorail;single track;
单号 odd numbers (of tickets,seats,etc.);
单机 light engine;one machine;
单极 single pole;monopole;unipole;single electrode;
单级 single stage;single level;single step;
单价 {经} (单位价格) unit-price;{化} (一价的) monovalent;univalent;univalence;univalency;
单间儿 separate room (in a hotel,restaurant,etc);single room;
单键 {化} single bond;
单件 (指家具的一件) stick;
单脚跳 {体} hop;
单晶(体) {晶} single crystal;monocrystal;unit crystal;
单据 documents attesting to the giving or receiving of money,goods,etc.,such as receipts,bills,vouchers and invoices;
单句 {语} simple sentence;
单孔目动物 monotreme;
单跨 {建} single span;
单利 {经} simple interest;single interest;
单恋 one-sided love;unrequited affection;
单轮 single round;
单门 simple gate;
单面 single face;one [single] side;
单皮 a small drumlike repercussion instrument for conducting the other instruments in Chinese opera show;
单片 {电} monolithic;one chip;single chip;
单片眼镜 monocle;
单枪匹马 single-handed;all by oneself;alone;play a lone hand;
单亲生殖 monogenetic reproduction;monogeny;
单人床 single bed;
单人房间 single-bed room;
单人皮艇 {体} one seater kayak;single kayak;K-1;单人艇 one-seater yacht;
单人舞 solo dance;
单日 odd-numbered days (of the month);odd days;
单色 monocolour;monochromatic;
单身 (没结婚的) unmarried;single;(不跟家属住在一起) not be with one's family;live alone;person away from home;
单身汉 bachelor;
单式 {会计} single entry;{数} unitary;
单数 (正的奇数) odd number;{语} (由词本身形式所表示的单一数量) singular number;singular;
单丝 {纺} monofilament;
单瘫 {医} monoplegia;
单糖 {化} monose;monosaccharide;simple sugar;
单体 {化} (合成高分子化合物的简单化合物) monomer;{生} (单染色体) monosome;{生} (单分体;单孢体) monad;
单条 vertical scroll of painting or calligraphy;
单位 (计量事物的标准量的名称) unit (as a standard of measurement);(机关、团体或属于一个机关、团体的各个部分) unit (as an organization,department,division,section,etc.);
单系(统) monosystem;simple system;
单细胞 monoplast;monocell;unicellular;
单弦儿 danxianr;story-telling to musical accompaniment;
单线 (单独的一条线) uniline;single wire;one line;{物} singlet;(单独联系) one-way (contact);singleline (link);{交} (单轨) single track;
单相思 unrequited love;one-sided love;
单项 single;{数} monoidal;monomial;{自} uniterm;{体} individual event;
单项式 monomial;monomial expression;
单相 uniphase;single phase;one-phase;monophase;
单向 one-way;unidirectional;simplex;
单斜 {地} monoc ̄ line;
单行本 separate;separate edition;an article in pamphlet form;offprint;
单行车道 lane;
单行道[线] one-way street;one-way traffic;
单雄生殖 androgenesis;
单眼皮 eyelids that do not have a distinct fold along the edges;single-fold eyelid;
单叶 {植} simple leaf;{数} schlicht;univalent;
单一 single;unitary;singleness;singlet;unity;
单衣 unlined garment [jacket;clothes];单翼机 {航} monoplane;
单音(节)词 {语} monosyllabic word;monosyllable;
单元 unit;unit element;{计} cell; location; {电} sub-unit; element;
单质 {化} simple substance;
单子 {哲} monad;
单字 individual character;separate word;
单子 (记事的纸片) list;bill;form;(盖在床上的布) bed sheet;
单座飞机 single seater aeroplane


❶ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 雄信 Shan Xiongxin
❷ (地名) Shan (a county in Shandong Province)
另见 see also chán; dān。





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