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单词 invite
invite/ ɪn′vaɪt/ vt [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)邀请(ask sb politely to come somewhere or do sth)[T+nT+n+prep(to/for),C+n+to-inf]:“Why didn't you go to the party?” “I was not~d.”“你怎么没去参加那次聚会?” “我没有接到邀请。”~sb to dinner/a party/a wedding 邀请某人参加宴会/聚会/婚礼;~sb over for dinner/a drink/a talk 请某人来吃饭/喝一杯/谈谈;~sb to have dinner/to come to a party/to give one's opinion/to speak at the meeting/to stay for supper 邀请某人吃饭/参加聚会/发表自己的意见/在会上发言/留下来吃晚饭;cordially/earnestly/formally/specifically~sb 热情/恳切/正式/特别邀请某人;~sb along/away/in/out/over/round/home/up邀请某人同行/一起去/入内/外出/过来/过来/到家中作客/上楼;~sb back 回请某人;

(2)征求,请求(ask for questionssuggestionetc)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:The speaker~d questions from the audience. 演讲者请听众提问。 The new hotel~d suggestions from the guests. 那家新饭店请客人提建议。We should~criticisms of our plans. 我们应该征求对我们的计划的批评意见。

(3)招引(致)(give a chance or opening for;call for)[T+n]:Such behaviour/talk is sure to~criticism/hostility/ridicule/trouble. 这样的行为/议论肯定会招来批评/敌意/嘲笑/麻烦。 Recklessness/Fast driving~s disaster/danger.鲁莽/开快车招引灾难/危险。

(4)吸引,诱惑(attract;tempt)[T+nC+n+to-inf]:Honey~s ants. 蜂蜜会引来蚂蚁。The calm and cool water~d us to swim. 平静清凉的水吸引我们去游泳。

→ in′viting adj 诱人的,吸引人的;in′vitingly adv 诱人地,吸引人地;͵invi′tation n





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