卑bēiⅠ ❶ (位置低下) low:地处 ~ 势 low lying ❷ (低劣) inferior:自 ~ feel oneself inferior;be self-abased ❸ [书] (谦恭) humble;modest:谦 ~ humble;~ 职 your humble servant;~ 词 modest words Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 整 Bei Zheng ◆卑鄙 base;mean;contemptible;crooked;depraved;sordid;stinking;despicable; 卑不足道 beneath discussion or mention;not worth mentioning;too inferior [contemptible] to be worth mentioning;too insignificant to be worth mentioning; 卑躬屈节[膝] humble [humiliate] oneself in serving (a master);act servilely [obsequiously];behave submissively;bow and scrape;bow low and sweep the ground with one's cap;bow low and humiliate oneself; 卑贱 lowly;mean and low;humble; 卑贱者最聪明,高贵者最愚蠢 The lowly are most intelligent;the elite are most ignorant.; 卑劣 base;mean;despicable; 卑陋 crude;vulgar;inferior; 卑怯 mean and cowardly;abject; 卑微 lowly;inferior;humble; 卑下 base;low;abject;humble |