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单词 invest
invest/ ɪn′vest/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)投资(put money into a firm or businessusu by buying shares in itin order to make a profit)[II+prep(in/with),T+nT+n+prep(in/with)]: the best time to~ 最佳投资时机;~heavily/shrewdly in lands大量/精明地投资于地产;~(one's money/savings)in government securities/stocks and shares/a silver mine/an enterprise(将自己的钱/储蓄)投资于政府债券/股票/一座银矿/一家企业;If you~with us you will earn 15%. 如果你向我们投资,你将获利15%。~(money) with a firm 向一家公司投资;

(2)投入,花费(spend...on sth)[T+n +prep(in)](fml):~some time/every spare minute/a lot of effort in community service (in trying to improve one's English) 把一些时间/每分钟空闲时间/很多精力用于社区服务(提高自己的英语); They are willing to~energy in a European disarmament campaign. 他们愿意将精力投入欧洲裁军运动之中。

(3)购买(spend money onbuy)[T+n+prep(in),I+prep(in)]:~large sums in books/one's entire fortune in a new house 花大笔钱买书/全部的钱买一所新房子;~in a new typewriter/a new car/a pearl necklace(for one's wife) 购买一台新打字机/一部新车/(为妻子)购买珍珠项链;

(4)封位,授予权力(give rankpower or authority to)[T+n+prep(with),C+n+as](fml):~sb with special powers(to deal with the situation)/full authority授予某人(处理事态的)特殊权力/全权;be~ed with the title of 被授予……称号;Prince Charles was~ed as Prince of Wales in 1969. 1969年查尔斯王子被封为威尔士亲王。

(5)使具有某种特征(endue with qualities)[T+n+prep(with)]:a person~ed with an air of mystery 神秘的人;~an occasion(a scene)with an air of dignity/impressiveness 使一场合(场面)有庄严的气氛/令人难忘;

(6)笼罩,披上(envelop or cover likeor as if with a garment)[T+n]:Fog~ed the harbor/the city. 雾霭笼罩着港口/这座城市。Spring~s the trees with leaves. 春天给树木披上绿叶。

(7)以军队包围(surround with an army)[T+n](旧用法):The enemy~ed the city/fort.敌军包围了那座城市/要塞。

→ in′vestor 投资人;in′vestment n





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