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❶ (二分之一) half: ~ 年 half a year;six months;
一天 ~ one and a half days;
减 ~ reduce by half
❷ (在 ... 中间的) in the middle;halfway:~ 日 halfday;~ 山腰 halfway up a hill;
夜 ~ 时 in the middle of the night;
工作到深更 ~ 夜 burn the midnight oil
❸ (比喻很少) very little;the least bit:一星 ~ 点 very little;a wee bit;
他连 ~ 句话都不说。 He wouldn't breathe a word. Ⅱ [前缀] semi-;hemi-:~ 球 hemisphere;~ 机械化 semi-mechanized Ⅲ (常和“一”、“两”组合成“一半”、“两半”等):把它切成同样大小的两 ~。 Cut it into two exact halves. 这些书有一 ~ 是德语的。 Half of the books are in German. 这些学生一大 ~ 来自农村。 The students are,for the most part,from the countryside. Ⅳ (不完全) partly:~ 新的 half-new;~ 死的 dead-alive;~ 开的门 partly-opened door Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname:~ 乾 Ban Qian
◆半百 fifty (years of age);
半辈子 half a lifetime;
半壁江山 half of the country (usu. referring to the unoccupied part of an invaded country);
半边 half of sth.;one side of sth.;
半边天 half the sky;women of the new society;womenfolk;
半波 semiwave;half-wave;
半场 {体} half of a game or contest;half-court;
半成品 semi-manufactures;semi-manufactured goods;semifinished articles;semi-finished products;semis;
半岛 peninsula;byland;biland;
半导体 semiconductor;
半点 the least bit;[方] half an hour;
半吊子 dabbler;smatterer;tactless and impulsive person;
半封建 semifeudal;semifeudalism;
半间不界 not thorough going;neither one thing nor the other;nondescript;
半工半读 part work,part study;work-study program;
半公开 semi-overt;more or less open;
半价 half price;fifty per cent discount;
半角 half-angle;semiangle;
半截 half (a section);
半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other;not much to choose between the two;as broad as it is long;the pot calling the kettle black;well matched;much of a muchness;birds of a feather;tweedledum and tweedledee;
半径 {数} radius;{天} semidiameter;
半路 halfway;midway;on the way;in progress;
半路出家 become a monk or nun late in life;switch to a job one was not trained for;switch to a new profession;without solid foundation or training;
半路夫妻 (of a man and woman) married when they are half way through life or when they have reached middle age;the lack of mutual sympathies that come from being married late;
半路上杀出个程咬金 an unexpected obtruder bouncing in halfway;sb. popping in and trying to poke his nose into the matter;
半年 half a year;
半瓶醋 half a bottle of vinegar;dabbler;smatterer;one who only has a superficial knowledge of;
半球 halfsphere;semisphere;hemisphere;
半日制学校 half-day school;double-shift school;
半晌 [方] half of the day;
半身 half of one's body;{刷}en;
半身不遂 {医} hemiplegia;paralysis of half of one's body;
半生不熟 halfcooked;halfraw;not well learned;having casual acquaintance;
半数 half the number;half;
半衰期 {物} half-life period;half-time;half-value period;{核} radioactive half-life;
半死不活 half-dead;more dead than alive;
半天 half of the day;a long time;quite a while;
半透明 translucent;semitransparent;semitran ̄ sparency;
半途而废 give up halfway;do a thing by halves;leave sth. unfinished;
半推半就 strike an attitude of half-declining and half-accepting so as to provoke the other party to greater or more ardent efforts or to a more agreeable offer;be disposed to but feigning to be willy-nilly;be half-loath and half-consenting;give oneself airs to reject;yield with a show of reluctance;
半吞半吐 half concealing,halftelling;speak with reservation;hum and haw;
半脱产 partly released from productive labour;partly released from one's regular work;a partial sabbatical from work;
半文不值 not worth a farthing [penny];entirely worthless;
半夏 Pinellia ternata;{中药} the tuber of pinellia;
半心半意 half-hearted;lukewarm;not with all one's heart;
半新不旧 half new,not quite old;no longer new;
半信半疑 half believe and half doubt;be rather dubious of [about] a thing;be uncertain as to what to believe;half seriously and half sceptically;not quite convinced;rather suspicious;
半休 work half day (because of poor health);
半夜 midnight;in the middle of the night;half of a night;
半夜三更 in the depth of night;late at night;
半音 {音} half-step;half-tone;semit;semitone;
半元音 {语} semivowel;
半月 half-moon;half month;{医} meniscus;
半月板 {解} meniscus;
半载 six months;half a year;
半真半假 half-genuine and half- sham;partly true,partly false;
半殖民地 semicolony;
半制成品 crude product;semimanufacture;semimanufactured commodity;partly-finished goods;semifinished goods;semiprocessed products;
半周 semi-cycle;semi-revolution;half a week;
半周期 half cycle;semiperiod;one-half cycle;semi-cycle;half period;
半自动 semi-automatic;
半字 {计} half-word





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