escalate;upgrade;go up (one grade,etc);raise to a higher stage;be promoted
如不克制,可能使暴力对抗~。A failure to exercise self-restraint may escalate the violent confrontation./《星球大战计划》标志着核军备竞赛的质的~。The “Star Wars Plan”symbolizes the escalation in nature of the nuclear arms race./军备竞赛轮番~arms race spiralls up;try to outdo each other in arms drive/军备竞赛~至太空escalation of the arms race into outer space/日益~的军备竞赛ever-spiralling arms race/战争~ escalation of war/升一级be promoted one grade; rise of one grade/连升三级promotion of three grades in a row/~换代updating and upgrading (of products)