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单词 千钧一发

千钧一发一发千钧qiān jūn yī fà

a hundredweight hanging by a hair—in imminent (/impending) peril (/danger/crisis); by a close (/narrow) shave; at the critical (/crucial) juncture(/moment); by (/with) the skin of one’s teeth;hang (/be/swing/tremble) in the balance; in a very critical (/extremely delicate/most dangerous)situation(/condition); in pressing emergency; in the nick of time; under the sword of Damocles
❍ 现在是~的时候,你不杀人,人要杀你。(陈登科《活人塘》116)A twenty-ton sword hangs by a hair. If you don’t kill them,they’ll kill you.
❍ 而且敌人的气势如此凶猛,战局~,胜败决于呼吸之间,他不能多作耽搁。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—155) And the enemy onslaught was so fierce that the fortunes of war were hanging in the balance.There was no time to be lost./“小甫,你是师长的忠臣心腹,这是~,万分危急的时候,你应当替师长出力!”魏振钺对神情恍惚的张小甫说道。(吴强《红日》520)“You are the commander’s loyal and trusted friend,Xiao fu,” Wei Zhenyue told the bemused-looking Zhang Xiaofu,“and you must do your best for the com mander in this moment of extreme crisis when everything is hanging on a single thread.”/正在这~的紧急关头,那捉女学生的警察猛地被一个人一脚踢出好远去。(杨沫《青春之歌》137)In the nick of time,however,the policeman received a vigorous kick which sent him staggering.
❍ 这正是~的时候,偏偏老姚还不来!(高云览《小城春秋》187)This was the crucial hour,but where the devil was Yao Mu?/~的时刻到了! 房上敌人的机关枪虎视眈眈地对准了铁门外的学生。(杨沫《青春之歌》72) It was zero hour. The enemy machine-guns on the roof were trained on the students outside the iron gate,lying in wait like ravening tigers.

千钧一发一发千钧qiān jūn yī fà

钧:古代的重量单位,三十斤等于一钧。用一根头发吊起三万斤的东西。比喻情况非常危急。in imminent peril, hang by a thread, hang by a hair





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