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单词 千部一腔,千人一面

千部一腔,千人一面qiān bù yī qiāng , qiān rén yī miàn

a thousand books are written to a single pattern and a thousand people have the same face—stereo type
❍ 至于才子佳人等书,则又开口“文君,满篇“子建”,~,且终不能不涉淫滥。(《红楼梦》 3)❶As for books of the beauty-and-talented-scholar type,a thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes bordering on indecency.
❷And the “boudoir romances”,those dreary stereotypes with their dif ferent characters undistinguishable except by name (all those ideally beautiful young ladies and ideally eli gible young bachelors) —even they seem unable to avoid descending sooner or later into indecency.

千部一腔,千人一面qian bu yi qiang,qian ren yi mian

all of the same tone,all with the same feature—stereotyped





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