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单词 千辛万苦

千辛万苦qiān xīn wàn kǔ

untold (/all kinds of)hardships and difficulties; countless (/innumerable)trails and tribulations
❍ 谁知道他费了~,回来却不得不面对互助组的分裂。(柳青《创业史》49) How disap pointed he would be when he returned to find that in spite of all his efforts the mutual-aid team had been split.
❍ 受了些万苦千辛,我看人头上气忍,不枉了一世做郎君。(《关汉卿戏剧集·赵盼儿风月救风尘》124)…for I’m willing to suffer hardships,and put up with anything to marry you.
❍ 好不容易下了关东,受了~,才安下家来,又想起家乡。(梁斌《红旗谱》102) He hadn’t found it easy to make his way—it had meant innumerable hardships—but then he had been homesick.
❍ 内容多半是,惟才子能怜这些风尘沦落的佳人,惟佳人能识坎坷不遇的才子,受尽~之后,终于成了佳偶,或者是都成了神仙。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—115) The general thesis was that only scholars could sympathize with fallen beauties,and only beauties could appreciate ill-fated scholars;but after many,many trials they would marry happily or become immortals.
❍ 这是一个跟他吃尽~,也不抱怨的好心眼的小个子女人。(周立波《暴风骤雨》38) She had shared untold hardships with him without ever letting fall a word of complaint. She was a little woman with a heart of gold.


all kinds of hardships;untold sufferings (or hardships); innumerable trials and tribulations
历尽~experience untold hardships

千辛万苦qiān xīn wàn kǔ

形容非常辛苦。untold hardships, spare no pains, all kinds of hardships





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