释义 |
千言万语qiān yán wàn yǔinnumerable (/a host of/thousands and thousands of) words; (have) much(/many things) to say ❍ 娘嘴巴一动一动的,象是有~要对女儿诉说,可是动了很久,一句话也没有说出来。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—273) Aying’s mother’s lips trembled and twitched. She seemed to have many things to say to her daughter:but long minutes passed without her uttering a sound. ❍ 小海心里~不知从何说起。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》42) Hai had so much to say,he didn’t know where to start. ❍ 她又晓得,大春是个犟脾气孩子,一旦拿定了主意,旁人用~,也劝不转的。(周立波《山乡巨变》195) She also knew that Dachun was a strong-willed child and once he had made up his mind,no one else could move him,however much they said. ❍ 两个人对望着,好象没有话说了,其实心里正有着~。(巴金《家》359) The two looked at each other as if they had nothing to say. But their hearts were filled with unspoken words. ❍ 他俩默默望了一下,~,都在这一望之下弄清楚了。(刘白羽《早晨六点钟》) He and Li exchanged a glance which spoke volumes and made everything clear. 千言万语innumerable words; a multitude of words;thousands upon thousands of words 纵有~,变成一句话: 谢谢大家。I have a multitude of tender words to say,but I’ll only say:Thank you all! 千言万语qiān yán wàn yǔ形容说的话很多。thousands and thousands of words, thousands of words, a great deal of talk |