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单词 千篇一律

千篇一律qiān piān yī lǜ

a set form(/method);all in a set type without variation;all in the same key; following the same pattern; be cast in one mould; butter to butter is no relish; canned; groovy;stereotyped; undiversified; unvaried
❍ 然而~的儒者们,倘是四方的大地,那是很知道的,但一到圆形的地球,却什么也不知道,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—143)❶But though these Confucian scholars cast in one mould knew that the earth was square,they had no knowledge of the globe;…
❷But these stereotyped Confucion scholars,all knowing quite well that the earth was square,were at such a loss on this round globe of ours…/发动时,首先要对症下药,对象害的什么病,你就用什么方子,不要~,不要背教条,…… (周立波《山乡巨变》123) In this process we must,first of all,suit the medicine to the disease,and use the right prescription for the patient’s illness;we mustn’t treat every case uniformly,and simply recite dog mas.
❍ 官场伎俩,本小异大同,汇为长编, 即~。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》254) Moreover the tales collected were current gossip about official circles strung together into a novel,but without much variety.


stereotyped;following the same pattern;invariably do sth
会上的发言~,没有什么新东西。The statements at the meeting followed the same pattern and contain nothing new./~的论调stereotyped views or arguments

千篇一律qiān piān yī lǜ

许多篇文章都是一种形式。比喻文章公式化。following the same pattern, all alike, cunned, a set form for all cases





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