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单词 invade
invade/ ɪn′veɪd/ v [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)入侵,侵略(enter a country by force with an army)[II+prep(with),T+nT+n+prep(with)]:The enemy~d at dawn. 敌人在黎明时入侵。The Normans~d England in 1066. 诺曼底人在1066 年入侵英格兰。These countries have been ruthlessly~d. 这些国家曾遭残酷的侵略。~a country with a large army 大军入侵一个国家;

(2)侵入(enter in larger numbers so as to cause damage)[T+n,尤pass](fig):Disease germs/Viruses~d his body/the blood stream.病菌/病毒侵入了他的身体/血液。a mind~d with worries and anxieties 充满焦虑的心情;

(3)拥入(crowd into)[T+n,尤pass](fig):Tourists~Paris during the summer. 夏天大批游客拥入巴黎。Holiday makers~the seaside in summer months. 在夏季几个月里大批度假者拥往海滩。 Relatives~d our house last weekend. 上周末成批的亲戚来到我家。Locusts~d the fields. 蝗虫大量侵入田地。 Rabbits~d the garden during the night. 兔子在夜间成群地进入菜园。

(4)侵犯(扰)(interfere with;disturb)[T+n]:~sb's rights/privacy/freedom 侵犯某人的权利/隐私/自由;

→ in′vader n 入侵者,侵犯者;in′vasion n 侵略(犯)





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