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单词 千变万化

千变万化qiān biàn wàn huà

be full of variety;change in thousands of ways; changeful; ever changing; kaleidoscopic (al); manifold (/myriad)change; Protean; variegated; various
❍ ~,统摄阴阳。(《西游记》188) There are a thousand changes and ten thousand transformations,All regulated by the forces of Yin and Yang.
❍ 看守长就是头脑简单,只会动手动脚,仗着一点枪法,怎么能够应付这个~的局势?(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》243) What an idiot the Owl was!Why did he use force? What use were fists and bullets in a complicated situation like this?/但是,情况~,杨虎城将军全家,小萝卜头全家,住在楼上的黄将军,一一被害了,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》539) But things were developing rapidly. There were,for instance,the consecutive killings of Yang Hucheng and his family,little Turnip’s whole family and of General’Huang from upstairs.
❍ 战争中间,情况是~的。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》129)In times of battle,the situation fluctuates rapidly and often.
❍ 要是老秦不来帮忙,再半点钟,还出下去,那就没有把握了,钢水在炉里~。(艾芜《百炼成钢》 10) “If Qin Dekui hadn’t opened the tap hole,we couldn’t have been sure about the outcome.Molten steel will go through hundreds of changes if it is left in the furnace too long.”/这种神话中的 (还有童话中的) ~的故事,虽然因为它们想象出人们征服自然力等等,而能够吸引人们的喜欢,并且最好的神话具有“永久的魅力” (马克思),…… (《毛泽东选集》305) The myriads of changes in mythology (and also in nursery tales) delight people because they imaginatively picture man’s conquest of the forces of nature,and the best myths possess “eternal charm”,as Marx put it; …


ever changing;volatile; be subject to a myriad changes;vicissitudes
~的局势highly volatile situation;vicissitudes of the situation

千变万化qiān biàn wàn huà

形容变化非常多。ever changing, change in thousands of ways, myriad of changes





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