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单词 千军万马

千军万马qiān jūn wàn mǎ

thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horses—a powerful army;a big (/mighty) force
❍ 小屯里,~没把一个武工队员擒拿住; ……(冯志《敌后武工队》185) A big force sent to Xiaotunli failed to catch one man of the armed work team;…/就象你,二○三首长,由于你身经百战,所以你指挥~,就象挥动你自己的两只拳头一样方便,这一点,我无论如何办不到。(曲波《林海雪原》186) Take yourself,commander. Because of long experience,you can command a large unit in battle as easily as waving your fists. That’s something I could never do.
❍ 不是一只小船,而是~,汽车大炮,那时这些湖沼便于打游击,今天却成为前进的障碍。(刘白羽《火光在前》4) There were thousands of men under his com mand,with trucks and artillery. Then the lakes and streams were perfect for fighting guerilla warfare:today they were a hindrance.
❍ 休说你这三二十个人直甚么,便是~队中,俺敢直杀的入去出来。(《水浒全传》85)Even if surrounded by army of thousands,I could hack my way out. What do you twenty or thirty amount to!/他躺在铺上,看着窑顶,这股烦躁劲呀,就象脑子里有~在闹腾! (杜鹏程《保卫延安》129) He lay on his pallet,gazing at the ceiling. He felt so irritated! Ten thousand soldiers and horses were milling in his brain.


thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horses;large number of troops

千军万马qiān jūn wàn mǎ

形容兵马很多或声势浩大。a powerful army, a mighty force, hordes of troops and horses, millions of troops





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