释义 |
千qiānⅠ ❶ (十个百) thousand: 成 ~ 上万 by the thousands and tens of thousands; ~ 分之一 one [a] thousandth; ~ ~ 万万 thousands upon thousands; 三 ~ 名学生 three thousand students ❷ (比喻很多) a great amount of; a great number of: ~ 百条建议 lots and lots of suggestions; ~ 百年来的梦想 an age-old dream Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 献 Qian Xian ◆千安 kilo-ampere (ka); 千百万 millions upon millions (of); 千变万化 the myriads of changes; kaleidoscopic change; unending changes; ever-changing; be infinite in variety; 千层饼 multi-layer steamed bread; 千层糕 layer cake; 千差万别 differ in thousands of ways; a tremendous difference; be in endless variety; multifarious; 千愁万恨 a thousand and one worries and hatreds; innumerable [countless] worries and hatreds; 千愁万绪 an endless stream of dreamy thoughts, as if from an inexhaustible spool; 千仇万恨 deeply hate; a thousand and one hatreds; innumerable [countless] hatreds; 千疮百孔 one thousand boils and a hundred holes — in a disastrous state; a hundred holes, a thousand scars; heavily damaged; riddle with a thousand gapping wounds; scarred and battered; 千锤百炼 thoroughly tempered; well-seasoned; much- steeled; go through fire and water; be repeatedly [thoroughly] tempered; by persistent knocking into shape; be steeled over and over again; severe training and hammering; be polished again and again; be revised and rewritten many times; be highly finished; 千刀万剐 punishment by hacking process; have ... hacked to death; cut sb. to [into] pieces; give sb. a thousand cuts; slice sb. into little bits; tear sb. to pieces; thousand cuts and myriad pieces; hack sb. to pieces; 千岛 Thousand Islands; 千岛群岛 Kuril Islands; 千叮万嘱 add a hundred practical hints and a thousand salutary warnings; give many exhortations to sb.; command sb. a hundred thousand times; exhort sb. repeatedly; 千吨 kiloton; 千恩万谢 give [express] a thousand thanks; a thousand thanks; with a thousand thanks and ten thousand gratitudes; thank sb. profusely [effusively]; be very profuse in one's thanks (for the help offered); profuse gratitude; many thanks; 千儿八百 [口] a thousand or so; a thousand or slightly less; 千乏 kilovar; 千方百计 make every attempt [every possible effort; every endeavor to]; use [try; take] every means to; use every conceivable method [stratagem] to; use all sorts of wiles and methods to; use all ways and means to; do everything possible to; do one's utmost to; do all in one's power to; resort to every trick to; leave no stone unturned to; try by all means to; try every way to; try in a thousand ways to; try one's utmost to; try [scheme] a thousand and one ways to; try by hook or by crook to; try to ... in all sorts of ways; move heaven and earth to; employ all available means to; stop at nothing to; pull out all stops to; worry out ways to; in every possible way; in all possible ways; in all manner of ways; by all ways and means [devices]; by every means imaginable; by every possible means; inexhau ̄ stible in devices and schemes; 千分表 dial gauge; amesdial; dial gage; dial indicator; clock gauge; 千分尺 microcalliper; micrometer; milscale; calliper; 千分率 per mille; permillage; 千分之一 milli; 千夫 [书] numerous people; 千夫所指 be universally condemned; be condemned by the public; be in the dock; be up for general castigation with a thousand accusing fingers levelled against one; face a thousand accusing fingers; 千伏 kilovolt (KV); 千古 through the ages; eternal; for all time; 千古传诵 (This book) has been read through all ages.; 千古绝唱 (of poems) to rank as a masterpiece throughout the ages; a poetic masterpiece through the ages; 千古绝作 (to rank as) a masterpiece throughout the ages; 千古留名 One's name will remain immortal.; 千古名言 reputed words for myriad years; 千古奇谈 strange stories of all ages; a forever strange tale; 千古奇闻 an unheard-of fantastic story; a forever strange tale; 千古奇冤 (suffered) a wrong as great as history has ever known; 千古唾骂 earn oneself eternal infamy; 千古遗恨 eternal regret; 千古贻笑 be a laughingstock through the ages; 千古卓绝 unmatched past or present; 千古罪人 a traitor through the ages; be condemned as a sinner through the ages; stand condemned through the ages; 千赫 {电} kilohertz (kHz); kilocycles per second; 千呼万唤 invite sb. time and again; called a great many times; call again and again; urge repeatedly; 千回百转 innumerable twists and turns; 千家万户 thousands of households; thousands upon thousands of families; huge numbers of families; innumerable homes; 千娇百媚 be exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful; a thousand charms; beautiful and charming; 千斤 a thousand jin ; very heavy; weighty; 千斤顶 jack; lifting jack; 千金 a thousand pieces of gold; a lot of money; daughter (other than one's own); extremely precious; 千金买骨 make a fervent quest for talent; spend a thousand pieces of gold to buy the bones; the eagerness of seeking the worthy; thirst after talent; very eager and sincere in recruiting talented men; greedily welcome men of ability; 千金一笑 a million-dollar smile; a smile (of a woman) worth a thousand ounces of gold; 千金一掷 spend money extravagantly [lavishly; in a big way]; a thousand dollars at a throw (of dice); lay down as much as some thousand ounces of silver for a single stake; bet thousands on a single throw; gamble at high stakes; 千金易得, 知心难觅 Ten thousand taels of gold are easier to come by than an understanding heart.; 千斤 hoisting jack; jack; screw block; lifting jack; pawl; 千钧一发 be in grave [imminent] danger; at a crucial [critical] moment; by the skin of one's teeth;hang on by the eyelids [the eye-teeth; a thread]; in a most dangerous condition;in an emergency; close call; a hundredweight hanging by a hair; be in an extremely critical situation; 千军万马 thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers — a powerful army; a vast host of infantry and cavalry; hordes of troops and horses; millions of troops; like the charge of a powerful army which no force can stop; a large number of mounted and foot soldiers; 千卡 kilocalorie; large calorie; 千克 kilogram; kilogramme; kg.; stathm; lib; brize; borda; kepler; kilon; quilo; 千里 a thousand li; a long distance; 千里冰封, 万里雪飘 A hundred leagues locked in ice, a thousand leagues of whirling snow.; 千里鹅毛 A goose feather as a gift from one who lives a thousand li away — itself is only a trifle, but conveys deep affection.; a small gift which has come a long way; 千里光 {植} climbing groundsel; senecio; senecio scanden; 千里鸿毛 A present though trifling is accompanied with sincere wishes.; A light gift from afar conveys deep feelings.; 千里马 a thorough-bred horse (with stamina); a pure breed horse that can sustain long- distance rides; a pedigreed horse with staying power; a sturdy mount that can gallop far without being fatigued; a winged steed; a horse that covers a thousand li a day; 千里送鹅毛 a goose feather sent from a thousand li away; a small gift that conveys great affection; 千里迢迢 set out on the long trek to a far distance; far far away; from afar; from a thousand li away; over a great distance; 千里眼 have the faculty of foreseeing distant future events as clairvoyants claim to have; farsighted person; {心理} clairvoyance; telescope; field glasses; 千里姻缘一线牵 Two beings destined to marry each other, though born a thousand miles apart, can be tied together by a single string.; A fate match across a thousand miles is drawn by a thread.; People a thousand li apart may be linked by marriage.; 千里之行, 始于足下 A thousand-li journey starts with the first step.; A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.; A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.; A thousand-li journey must start with one step.; A trip covering over 1,000 kilometers begins with the first step.; He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.; 千虑一得 Even a fool may sometimes have a good idea.; A fool may give a wise man counsel.; contain a grain of truth; Even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea.; 千虑一失 Even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake.; Even the wise are not always free from error.; 千米 kilometre (km.); 千难万险 numerous difficulties and dangers; numerous dangers and hazards; (There are) risks and hardships.; be beset by perils; innumerable hazards and hardships; untold hardships and risks; 千欧 kilo-ohm (kΩ); 千篇一律 follow the same pattern; all in the same key; all of the same pattern; a thousand pieces of the same tune; repeat each other; set form for all cases; set mould for everything that comes up; stereotyped; 千奇百怪 all sorts [kinds] of strange things; exceedingly strange; an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena; a great variety of fantasies; 千千万万 thousands on [upon] thousands of; thousands and thousands of; thousands and tens of thousands; tens of thousands of; myriads of; millions upon millions of; 千秋 a thousand years; centuries; birthday (other than one's own); 千秋大业 a great cause for a thousand autumns [years]; an eternal lasting enterprise; 千秋万代 the ages to come; for thousands of years; generation after generation; from generation to generation; in [for] all the centuries to come; throughout the ages; 千人一面, 万口一腔 one face for a thousand people and one mouth for ten thousand people; stereotyped; 千日红 {植} globe amaranth; gomphrena globosa; 千山万水 numerous hills and streams; a journey filled with numerous difficulties and dangers; many high mountains and numerous streams; ten thousand crags and torrents; numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey; 千思万想 think over and over again; plan and devise; 千丝万缕 have all kinds of connections with; a thousand and one links; countless ties; have a thousand and one ties with; (to be tied) in a hundred and one ways (to); (to be linked with sb.) in a thousand and one ways; interrelated in innumerable ways; 千岁 a thousand years; Your Highness; His Highness; Chitose; 千态万状 various form; myriads of phases and phenomena; 千头万绪 a multitude of things; a host of miscellaneous problems; a multitude of things; a thousand and one things to attend to; thousands of strands and loose ends; extremely complicated and difficult to unravel; a thousand things to attend to; complexities of a situation; 千瓦 kilowatt (KW); 千万 ten million; millions upon millions; be sure to; do; 千谢万谢 give [express] a thousand thanks; thank sb. a thousand times; many, many thanks; 千辛万苦 go through untold [many] hardships; go through thick and thin; all kinds of hardships; countless hardships; innumerable trials and tribulations; have a hard time; laboriously; set one's shoulders to the wheel; spare no pains; untold hardships; 千言万语 thousands and thousands of words; a great deal of talk; a host of words; innumeralbe words (to persuade); There's a whole lot we'd like to say.; 千依百顺 be obedient to sb. in every matter; agree with sb. about everything; be all obedience; be like wax in sb.'s hands; be subservient to sb.'s every wish; listen to sb. and be willing to do anything he [she] wishes; 千载难逢 It happens only once in a thousand years.; difficult to meet in a thousand years; only once in a lifetime; occurring only once in a thousand years; very rare; once in a blue moon; 千载一时[遇] a golden opportunity; an extremely rare chance [opportunity]; a (very) rare opportunity; only once in a thousand years; (A thing like that) only happens once in a blue moon; a time of a thousand years; the chance of a lifetime; 千兆 kilomega; giga; gillion; 千兆赫 gigahertz (GHz); kilomega hertz (kMHz); kilomegacycle per second (kMc/s); 千兆周 gigacycle (Gc); kilomegacycle; 千真万确 (be) absolutely true; really and truly; That's only too true.; (as) sure as a gun; as sure as death; sure enough; One can swear it is true.; very real; 千周 kilocycle (KC); 千姿百态 in different poses and with different expressions; in thousands of postures |