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单词 introduce
introduce/ ͵ ɪntrǝ′dju:s, AmE ͵-′du:s/ vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)介绍(formally make known by name to each other)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:Allow me to~myself. 请允许我自我介绍一下。Allow me to~my wife/my friend Mr. Wang. 请允许我介绍一下,这是我妻子/我的朋友王先生。~the guests to each other/the lecturer to the audience 将客人互相介绍/将报告人介绍给听众;He was~d to the minister at the party. 在那个聚会上他被介绍认识了部长。

(2)介绍,使了解(经历)(cause to learn about or experience for the first time)[T+n+prep(to)]:~freshmen to campus life/the new methods 向大学新生介绍校园生活/新的方法;~a new song/soap product to the public 将一首新歌/一种肥皂新产品介绍给公众;~children to skiing 教孩子们滑雪;~children to the pleasures of dancing/reading 使孩子们尝到跳舞/读书的乐趣;A visit to the museum~d the class to modern art. 参观博物馆使全班学生对现代艺术有所了解。~sb to alcohol/tobacco/drugs 教某人开始饮酒/吸烟/吸毒;

(3)引(传)入,采用,使流行(bring into use or operation;make popular or common)[T+nT+n+prep(in/into)]:~a new fashion/custom/method 引入新的时尚/习惯/方法;Banks will soon~new savings plans. 银行很快将采用新的存款方案。~a new concept in/into architectural design/a new species of plant in/into the region 把一种新观念引进建筑设计中/把一种植物新品种引进这一地区;The war~d the jeep. 战争使吉普车流行起来。 Paper making was~d into Japan from China/Tobacco was~d into Europe from America. 造纸术由中国传入日本/烟草由美洲传入欧洲。

(4)提出(bring forward for consideration)[T+n]:~a bill before Congress/a motion to the meeting/a question for debate 向国会提交一项议案/向会议提出一项动议/提出一个问题来辩论;

(5)插(放)入(put in or within;insert)[T+nT+n+prep(into)](fml):~a key into a lock/a tube into a patient's windpipe/a small amount of alcohol into the mixture 把钥匙插入锁孔/管子插入病人的气管/少量酒精掺入混合剂里;~a subject into a conversation (fig) 在谈话中加入一话题;

(6)带领,引导(lead a person into a place;conduct)[T+n+prep(into)]:~a guest into the drawing-room 将客人引进客厅;

(7)以……开始(begin)[T+n]:~a speech with an illustration/a humorous anecdote 以一例证/一则幽默轶事作为演讲的开始;The MC~d the program with a few jokes. 主持人以几则笑话作为节目的开始。

→ ͵intro′duction n 介绍;入门读物;引进;引进的事物;前奏; ͵intro′ductory adj 介绍的,引导的,绪言的





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