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单词 十拿九稳

十拿九稳十拿九准shí ná jiǔ wěn

a bird in hand; a sure success; as sure as a gun; be pretty(/90 percent) sure; bet one’s bottom dollars; feel quite confident; have no doubt about; hold the game(/cards) in one’s hands;in all probability; in the bag; be a cinch; nine chances out of ten; practically(/quite) certain of; ten to one
❍ 虽然是有人居间,和那边接洽过一次,而且条件也议定,却是到底不敢说~呀。(茅盾《子夜》51)Although the person who deputizes for us in negotiations with the authorities on the other side has reached agreement on the terms,we wouldn’t say that it’s irrevocably fixed.
❍ 这回参军是~了: 厂里已经同意了; …… (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》81) I’m sure to get in this time. The factory has agreed to release me,…/只有分作两队,一则迷惑官军,二则你们没有拖累,才可以~地能杀开一条血路。(姚雪垠《李自成》245)By dividing into two forces,we can fool the enemy,and you’ll be unencumbered. That’s the only way to ensure that you break through.
❍ 总经理办事总是~,只要你想到什么,就一定能办到什么。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—129)Anything that you undertake,sir,is bound to succeed. You can do anything you set your mind to.
❍ 邻居们把这事告诉赵二婶,二婶便~地跑来调解。(王汶石《风雪之夜》84) The neighbours told Auntie Zhao of all this,feeling quite confident she could sort out the trouble,and that was why Auntie went to see Dajie.
❍ 既然是县里来的同志,对参军一定支持——这是~的。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》72) Nine chances out of ten the cadres from the county would support him.


90 per cent sure;practically(or almost)certain;as good as settled

十拿九稳稳(准)shí ná jiǔ wěn

指办事很有把握或很准确。in the bag, a sure success quite certain of, a bird in hand, be a sure thing for





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