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单词 十恶不赦

十恶不赦shí è bù shè

be unpardonably wicked;commit heinous crimes for which one should be severely punished; guilty beyond forgiveness; guilty of unpardonable evil; perpetrate every conceivable crime and be unpardonable; be too wicked to be pardoned
❍ 她是个人面兽心的魔鬼,真是~。She is a devil with a human face and with the heart of a beast.She has committed heinous crimes fo r which she should be severely punished./……总之是一群青面獠牙,~的人。(《毛泽东选集》1374)…in short,a horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked.
❍ 让群众评一评理,是共产党犯罪,还是你们犯了~的滔天大罪!(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》28) Let the masses sit in judgment on us and say who is guilty of unpardonable monstrous crimes—the Communist Party or yourselves!


be too wicked to be pardoned;guilty of unpardonable evil;guilty beyond forgiveness;unpardonably wicked

十恶不赦shí è bù shè

十恶:中国古代刑律所规定的十种不可赦免的重大罪名:谋反、谋大逆、谋叛、恶逆、不道、大不敬、不孝、不睦、不义、内乱;赦:赦免。形容罪大恶极,不能赦免。guilty of unpardonable evil, wicked to the extreme, gulity beyond forgiveness





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