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(九加一后所得) ten: ~ 倍 ten times; tenfold; ~ 分之一 one tenth; ~ 岁的男孩 a boy of ten; ~ 周年纪念 the tenth anniversary Ⅱ (表示达到顶点) topmost: ~ 成 100 per cent
◆ 十八般武艺 skill in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons; skill in various types of combat; various skills in boxing;
十边地 small plots of land by the side of houses, roads, ponds, etc.;
十步芳草 There are able men everywhere;
十大功劳 {中药} Chinese mahonia (Mohonia fortunei); graperoot;
十冬腊月 the tenth, eleventh and twelfth months of the lunar year; the cold months of the year; in the dead of winter;
十恶不赦 perpetrate every conceivable [heinous] crime and be unpardonably wicked; a crime which is past forgiving; be too wicked to be pardoned; guilty beyond forgiveness; guilty of unpardonable evil; unpardonably wicked; wicked beyond redemption; wicked to the extreme;
十二分 more than 100 per cent; extremely;
十二红 {动} Japanese waxwing;
十二黄 {动} waxwing;
十二级风 {气} force 12 wind; hurricane;
十二进制 {数} {计} duodecimal number system;
十二月 (公历) December; (农历) the twelfth month of the lunar year; the twelfth moon;
十二指肠 {生理} duodenum; dodecadactylon; duodeno-;十方 {宗} the ten directions (north, south, east, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, north ̄ west, above and below);
十分 very; fully; utterly; extremely; completely;
十行俱下 read ten lines at one glance; take in ten lines at a glance;
十进(的) decimal;
十进位 {电} decade;
十进制 {数} {计} decimal system; decimal base; decimalism;
十里长街 the Ten-li Long Street;
十六分音符 {音} semiquaver; sixteenth note;
十六进制 {数} {计} hexadecimal; sexadecimal;
十面埋伏 ambush on all sides;
十目所视 Ten eyes are fixed upon sb. [sth.];十目所视, 十手所指 With many eyes watching and many fingers pointing — one cannot do wrong without being seen.; Nothing could be done without public supervision.;
十拿九稳 as sure as a gun; almost nine tenths certain; be in the bag; be quite certain of ...; 90 percent sure; have no doubts about; Out of ten attempts, nine will be successful.; practically certain; quite certain; The chances are ten to one.; well in hand;
十年 decennium;
十年寒窗 persevere ten years in one's studies in spite of hardships; ten year's study at a cold window — a student's long years of hard study;
十年九不遇 not occur once in ten years; be seldom seen; be very rare; hard to meet in many years;
十年树木, 百年树人 It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people.; It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men — a long-term plan.;
十全 full; utterly; perfect;
十全十美 be perfect in every respect [way]; be all roses; be done to perfection; be out of this world; be the acme of perfection; flawless and perfect; leave nothing to be desired;
十室九空 Nine houses out of ten are deserted — a scene of desolation after a plague [war] when the population is decimated.; Almost all houses are empty (after a raid).; Nine out of ten families are gone.; Nine out of ten houses were stripped bare.; Of ten houses nine stood empty and forsaken.;
十四行诗 sonnet;
十万 one hundred thousand;
十万八千里 a distance of one hundred and eight thousand li; poles apart; very far away; wide of the mark;
十万火急 most urgent; extra-urgent; in a hurried and vehement manner; in hot [dead] haste; whip and spur; posthaste; express;
十位 decade;
十项全能运动 {体} decathlon;
十羊九牧 Nine shepherds look after ten sheep — too many government officials.; bureaucracy; more officials than the people;
十一月 (公历) November; (农历) the eleventh month of the lunar year; the eleventh moon;
十亿 milliard (109); [美; 法] billion;
十月 (公历) October; (农历) the tenth month of the lunar year; the tenth moon;
十月革命 the October Revolution (1917);十之[有]八九 nine in ten; in all probability; in eight or nine cases [chances] out of ten; ninety nine out of a hundred; ten to one — most likely;
十指连心 The nerves of the fingertips are linked with the heart.; be like a man's ten fingers, so closely linked to one's heart; have the same close relation with the people concerned as a man's ten fingers linked to his heart; The fingers are linked to the heart — what happens to children is of vital interest to parents.;
十字 cross; cross-shaped, like letter “十”; 十字花科 Cruciferae;
十字架 cross;
十字街头 crisscross streets; busy city streets;
十字军 {史} the Crusades (1096-1270, eight expeditions by European Christians to recover Jerusalem from Moslems); crusade; crusader;
十字路 four crossway;
十字路口 crossroads;at a critical turning-point (in one's life, etc.); the four corners;
十字形 cross;
十足 100 per cent; out-and-out; sheer; downright; of the first water





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