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单词 interpret
interpret/ ɪn′tɜ:prɪt, AmE -′tɜ:r-/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)解释(explain the meaning of)[T+n]:~a passage/a difficult text/sb's ghostly dream/these lines of the poem/sb's behaviour/economic trends 解释一段文章/一篇难懂的课文/某人可怕的梦/这几行诗/某人的行为/经济趋势;be falsely/rightly~ed 错误地/正确地解释;

(2)演出中表现(show or bring out the meaning of a role in a playor a piece of musicetc in one's performance of it)[T+n]:The actor~ed the part of the soldier wonderfully. 那位演员把士兵的角色演得惟妙惟肖。The pianist~ed the sonata skillfully. 钢琴家熟练地演奏了那首奏鸣曲。

(3)理解(understand the meaning of)[C+n+as]:~sb's remark as a threat 把某人的话理解为(看作是)威胁;~sb's silence as a refusal/a sign of displeasure 把某人的沉默理解为(看作是)拒绝/不高兴的表示;~sb's laughter/sb's smile as contempt/as an insult 把某人的笑/笑理解为(看作是)轻蔑/侮辱;

(4)口头翻译(translate a speaker's wordswhile he is speakinginto another language)[T+nI+prep(for)]:~the woman's remarks/what the foreigner was saying/the comments of our foreign guests (for sb)(为某人)翻译那位女士的话/外国人的话/外宾的评论;~for us/for foreign visitors 为我们/外宾当译员;~between two persons 为两人充当译员;

→in͵terpre'tation n 解释;表明;理解;翻译;in′terpre(ta)tive adj 解释的;说(表)明的;理解的;翻译的;in′terpreter n 口译员;in′terpreting n 口译;






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