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(用;耗费) spend;expend: ~ 钱买书 spend money on books;
他在作业上 ~ 的时间不多。 He doesn't spend much time on his homework.
另见 see also huà。


❶ (变化;使变化) change;turn;transform: ~ 悲痛为力量 turn sorrow [grief] into strength;~ 大为小 turn big issues into small ones;
顽固不 ~ incorrigibly obstinate
❷ (感化) convert;influence: 潜移默 ~ exert a subtle influence on sb.'s character,thinking,etc.
❸ (熔化;融化) melt;dissolve: ~ 冻 thawing;
用水 ~ 开 dissolve in water;
把这金盘子 ~ 掉。 Melt down the gold plate. 湖里的冰 ~ 完了。 The ice of the lake melted off.
❹ (消化;消除) digest: ~ 食 help digestion;
食古不 ~ read ancient teachings without digesting them
❺ (烧化) burn up: 焚 ~ burn up;incinerate;
火 ~ cremate
❻ {宗} (僧、道死) die: 坐 ~ pass away in a sitting posture
❼ (僧、道向人求布施) (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) beg alms: ~ 斋 beg a (vegetarian) meal Ⅱ ❶ (化学的简称) chemistry
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 从心 Hua Congxin Ⅲ (后缀,加在名词或形容词后构成动词,表示转变成某种性质或状态) -ize;-ify: 电气 ~ electrify;
工业 ~ industrialize;
简 ~ simplify;
美 ~ beautify;prettify
另见 see also huā。
◆化暗为明 change dark into light;
化斑汤 {中药} Huaban Tang;
化悲痛为力量 turn [convert] sorrow [grief] into strength;
化悲为喜 turn one's sadness into joy;change [convert] one's sorrow into joy;turn one's sorrow into happiness;
化虫丸 {中药} Huachong Wan;
化除 eliminate;dispel;remove;
化敌为友 convert enemies into friends;
化蝶而去 changed into a butterfly and flew away;
化冻 defrost;thaw;
化肥 [简] chemical fertilizer;
化废为宝 make a silk purse out of a sow's ear;change waste material into things of value;turn waste into assets;turn “waste” into wealth;turn wastes [waste materials] into useful things;
化废为利 change waste materials into sth. useful;
化粪池 septic-tank;digestion tank;
化风 wind transmission;
化腐朽为神奇 turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal — turn bad into good;make the ugly beautiful;make use of discarded things;transform the corruptible into mysterious life;
化干戈为玉帛 bury the hatchet;beat swords into ploughshares — put an end to war and have peace;cease hostilities and negotiate for peace;turn hostility into friendship;turn swords into ploughshares;
化工 [简] (化学工业;化学工程) chemical industry;chemical engineering;
化工厂 chemical plant;
化公为私 turn public property into private property;embezzle public property;appropriate public property;
化骨中心 bone centre;
化害为利 turn harm into good;turn a disadvantage into an advantage;
化合 {化} chemical combination;
化合物 chemical compound;compound;
化祸为福 turn bad luck into a blessing;turn disaster into good luck;
化简梯度算法 reduced gradient algorithm;
化剑为犁 turn swords into ploughshares;
化境 sublimity;perfection;
化疗 chemotherapy;
化零为整 gather parts into a whole;assemble the parts into a whole;
化民成俗 influence the people and form moral customs;
化名 (use an) assumed name;alias;pseudonym;pass by [under] the name of;
化名潜逃 flee under the name of;change one's name and run away;
化募 (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) collect alms;
化脓 {医} fester;suppurate;maturation;ecpyesis;diapyesis;suppuration;purulence;purulency;
化脓性眼炎 blepharopyorrhea;purulent ophthalmia;
化热 heat-transmission;
化身 incarnation;embodiment;
化湿 resolving dampness;
化湿和胃 {中医} removing dampness to restore normal functioning of the stomach;
化湿健胃 {中医} dispelling damp-cold from the stomach and improving appetite and digestion;
化湿利水 {中医} dispelling dampness and promoting diuresis;
化湿舒筋 {中医} removing dampness and relaxing myospasm;
化石 fossil化痰 reduce phlegm;
化痰平喘 {中医} resolving sputum and relieving asthma;
化痰散结 {中医} reducing phlegm and resolving masses;
化痰生津 {中医} act as expectorant;
化痰通络 {中医} eliminating phlegm and freeing channels;
化痰熄风 {中医} eliminating phlegm and calming wind;
化痰止咳 (capable of) preventing phlegm from forming and stopping coughing;
化铁炉 {冶} cupola;blast cupola;cupola furnace;iron-melting furnace;
化外 outer fringes of civilization;
化为尘埃 turn to dust and ashes;crumble to [into] dust;
化为灰烬 become food for the flames;turn to dust and ashes;reduced to ashes;be consumed by a fire;commit to the flames;bring to nought;crumble to dust;
化为泡影 vanish like soap bubbles;melt into thin air;end [go up] in smoke;come to nothing;fail to come true;
化为瓦砾 reduce to rubble [a shambles];be no more than debris;be in ruins;
化为乌有 come to nothing;bring to naught;come to naught;dissolve [vanish;disappear] into thin air;dwindle away into nothing;go down the drain;go up in smoke;melt into thin air;pass into nothingness;vanished into nothingness;(One's hopes) were scattered to the four winds.;
化为最小值 minimization;
化纤 [简] (化学纤维) chemical fiber;
化险为夷 change danger into safety;bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion;come [emerge] safely out of danger;get out of the jaws of danger;pass through a dangerous crisis safely;head off a disaster;save the situation;turn danger into safety;turn peril into safety;
化香树 Platycarya strobilacea;
化凶为吉 change the portentous into the propitious;
化学 chemistry;
化学计量学 chemical metrology;
化学键 chemical bond;
化学式 chemical reaction;chemical formula;
化学性肝中毒 chemical liver poisoning;
化学性食物中毒 chemical food poisoning;
化学性损伤 chemical injury;
化学专家系统 expert system of chemistry;
化验 chemical examination;laboratory test;assay;analysis;test;
化缘 {宗} (of Buddhist monks or Taoist Priests) beg alms;
化整为零 break up the whole into parts;
化装 (of actors) make up;disguise oneself;
化妆 put on makeup;make up;apply cosmetics;
化妆品 maquillage;cosmetics;
化浊开窍 {中医} dissolving turbidity for resuscitation

劳动人民要知识~,知识分子要劳动~。Laboring people should study to be knowledgeable,and intellectuals should learn to appreciate manual labor and laboring people./四~建设the four modernizations drive


transform; resolve; dissipate;eliminate





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