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单词 interfere
interfere/ ͵ ɪntǝ′fɪ ǝ(r)/ vi [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1)干涉,干预(push oneself into sth which does not concern one)[II+prep(in/between)]:As he was always~ing,I told him to mind his own business. 因为他总是干涉,我叫他少管闲事。~in sb's private affairs/other people's business/the internal affairs of other countries 干涉某人的私事/别人的事/别国内政;have no right to~between us 无权干预我们之间的事;~between husband and wife干预夫妻之间的事;

(2)干(打)扰,妨(阻)碍(distract or hinder;prevent;be an obstacle to)[I+prep(with)]:~with an official in the performance of his duty 妨碍公职人员执行公务;Don't~with them while they're studying.他们学习时不要打扰他们。The noise is~ing with my sleep/my studies/my work. 噪音干扰我的睡眠/学习/工作。Nothing will~with our friendship. 什么都不会妨碍我们的友谊。The pillar~s with the view.那根柱子挡住了视线。

(3)乱(瞎)弄(touch or examine sth in a way that might damage it)[I+prep(with)]:Don't~with his camera/this machine/these books. 不要乱动他的照相机/这台机器/这些书。

→͵inter′ference n 干涉(预),干扰,妨碍;͵inter′fering adj 干涉的,爱管闲事;͵interfe′rential adj 干扰的;͵interfe′rometer n 干扰仪;͵inter′feron n 干扰素





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