勃bóⅠ [书] (旺盛) vigorous;exuberant: 蓬 ~ flourishing;vigorous Ⅱ (突然) suddenly Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 伟 Bo Wei ◆勃勃 thriving;vigorous;exuberant;full of vitality;with vigour;with tremendous momentum; 勃发 [书] thrive;prosper;be prosperous;break out;begin suddenly;erupt; 勃怒 lose temper suddenly;break into a rage; 勃起 have an erection;erect;erection; 勃然 agitatedly;excitedly;suddenly;abruptly;on [of] a sudden;vigorously;prosperously (in a vigorous and flourishing state); 勃然大怒 fly [fall] into a (great) rage;burn with anger [rage;wrath];burst into anger;explode with anger;flare up;jump up in a rage;One's anger flares up.;Suddenly (he) burst into a fit of temper.;suddenly grow very angry; 勃然而起 spring into life;burst into activity; 勃然色变 change countenance suddenly;turning red in the face;show displeasure [bewilderment] all of a sudden;a sudden change in countenance; 勃兴 [书] rise suddenly;surge forward;grow vigorously |