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单词 势如破竹

势如破竹shì rú pò zhú

as easy as splitting bamboo—carry everything (/all/the world)before one; develop (/advance)apace; like a hot knife cutting through butter; with crushing (/irresistable)force
❍ 关胜等众,乘胜长驱,~,又克了大谷县,……(《水浒全传》1182) Guan Sheng and the others drove straight in in the flush of victory like a knife slicing down a length of bamboo,and then captured the county seat of Dagu.
❍ 曹操将得胜之兵,杀入城中,~。(《三国演义》107) When Cao Cao’s soldiers got into the city they met with no resistance,…/ “冲锋! 杀—”喊声震天,这一下,才~地攻到东辕门。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—255) “Onward! Charge! ”The men surged ahead,the loud roar of their voices like thunder in the air.


like splitting a bamboo;like cutting through butter with a hot knife;forging ahead with irresistible force
高屋建瓴,~ sweep down with irresistible force from a commanding height/~,所向披靡smash all resistance and advance victoriously everywhere

势如破竹shì rú pò zhú

形势如同破竹子一样,劈开几节以后,下面的就顺着刀子分开来了。形容作战或工作节节胜利,毫无阻碍;也形容不可阻挡的气势。with irresistible force, advance apace, carry all everything before one(it), meet with no resistance





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