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❶ (力量;力气) strength;energy: 用 ~ put forth strength;
搬这些家具费了很大 ~。 It took a lot of energy to move the furniture. 顶住当局的压力花了很大的 ~。 It took great strength to resist the pressure of the authorities. 加把 ~,不然你要落后了。 Put on a spurt,or you'll fall behind. 她仿佛有使不完的 ~。 She seems to have inexhaustible energy.;She's a live wire. 我烧是退了,可身上还是没 ~ 儿。 My temperature is down,but I'm still feeling weak.
❷ (精神;情绪) vigour;spirit;drive;zeal: 保持革命战争时期的那么一股 ~ maintain the same vigour as in the years of revolutionary war;
干得非常起 ~ work with unusual vigour;work with great zeal;
他跟我别着 ~ 哪! 能听我的吗? How can you expect him to listen to me,when he's still in a huff with me? 我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的 ~ 儿。 I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.
❸ (神情;态度) air;manner;expression: 瞧他那高 兴 ~ 儿。 See how happy he looks. 你这骄傲 ~ 儿得好好改改。 You've got to get rid of your arrogant ways.
❹ (趣味) interest;relish;gusto: 下棋没 ~,还是去打乒乓球吧。 Playing (at) chess is no fun;Let's go to play table tennis.
另见 see also jìnɡ。
◆劲头 strength;energy;vigour;spirit;drive;zeal


(坚强有力;刚强) strong;powerful;sturdy: ~ 松 sturdy pines;
强 ~ powerful;forceful;
疾风知 ~ 草。 The strong wind reveals the strength of the grass.
另见 see also jìn。
◆劲敌 formidable adversary;strong opponent;vigorous opponent;well-matched adversary;
劲度 {声} acoustic stiffness;stiffness;
劲旅 strong contingent;crack force





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