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单词 助桀为虐

助桀为虐助纣为虐zhù jié wéi nüè

aid King Jie in his tyrannical rule—aid and abet the evil-doer;give aid and abetment to evil-doing; give support to a tyrant; help a despot do evil; hold a candle to the devil; support a tyrant in his despotism
❍ 高鼻子“~”,真可恨! (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —312) Those foreign devils are really a hateful crowd,adding bad to worse!/今始入秦,即安其乐,此所谓“~”。(《史记·留侯世家》) If the moment you enter Chin you indulge in its pleasures,you will just be outdoing the despot.
❍ 后又助着薛蟠图些银钱酒肉,一任薛蟠横行霸道,他不但不去管约,反“助纣为虐”讨好儿。(《红楼梦》111)In return for money,drinks,and dinners,he had lately given Xue Pan a free hand in his nefarious activities—had,indeed,not only refrained from interfering with him,but even ‘aided the tyrant in his tyranny.’

助桀为虐zhu jie wei nue

aid King Jie in his tyrannical rule—aid and abet the evil-doer

助桀为虐zhù jié wéi nüè

桀:夏朝末的暴君。虐:暴虐。帮助夏桀去做暴虐的事。比喻帮助坏人做坏事。help a tyrant to do evil, encourage a bully, hold a candle to the devil





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