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单词 功成身退

功成身退gōng chéng shēn tuì

retire after winning merit (/after meritorious service has been perfor med); withdraw as soon as one’s work is done/“~”、“解甲归田”、“出洋深造”、“清高”这一类论调,不断地出现在报纸上面。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—293)Also phrases such as: “Retire after meritorious service has been performed!”“Put aside the armour and pick up the hoe!”“Go abroad to seek greater knowledge!”and “Keep aloof from dirty politics!” appeared frequently in the local newspapers.
❍ 功成、名遂、身退,天之道。(《老子》九章)Withdraw as soon as your work is done. Such is Heaven’s Way.

功成身退gong cheng shen tui

retire after achieving success

功成身退ɡōnɡ chénɡ shēn tuì

事业成功以后,自己就引退抽开身来。retire from public life after a great work accomplished, retire after winning merit, retire after having made one’s mark





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