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单词 功亏一篑

功亏一篑gōng kuī yī kuì

fail to build a mound for want of the last basket of earth—fall short of success for want of a final effort; fall short of success at the last stage; just fall short of final completion;just one step short of success or completion
❍ 万一逆贼漏网,不惟皇上见罪,也使我们数年心血,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—226)If by any chance we let these rebels escape,the emperor will be incensed and our exertions during the last few years will come to nothing.
❍ 你趁你还能爬的时候赶紧爬去,万不要“~”。(鲁迅《华盖集》27) Crawl there while you are still able to,and be sure you don’t “fail at the last moment.”/呜呼,夙夜罔或不勤,不矜细行,终累大德,为山九仞,~。(《尚书·旅獒》)Oh! early and late never be but earnest. If you do not attend jealously to your small actions,the result will be to affect your virtue in great matters;—as when,in raising a mound of nine fathoms the work is unfinished for want of one basket of earth.

功亏一篑gong kui yi kui

fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth—fall short of success for lack of a final effort


fall short of success at the last stage(or for lack of final effort);abandon work that has been seriously undertaken
为山九仞,~。(《尚书》)In raising a mound of20-odd metres,one fails to finish the work for lack of just one basket of earth.(Collection of Ancient Texts)

功亏一篑ɡōnɡ kuī yī kuì

亏:缺少;篑:盛土用的筐子。筑土成山的功夫只差一筐土了。比喻一件大事就差最后一点点力量而没有完成。fall short of success for lack of a final effort, fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth, abandon work when it is nearly completely





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