释义 |
功ɡōnɡ ❶ (功劳) exploit;merit;meritorious service [deed]:战 ~ military exploits; 立 ~ render meritorious service; 立二等 ~ win [be awarded] a second class merit ❷ (成效和表现成效的事情) achievement;efficacy;result:大 ~ 告成 be accomplished; 好大喜 ~ crave for greatness and success; 劳而无 ~ work hard but to no avail ❸ (技术和技术修养) skill;craftsmanship:基本 ~ basic skill; 唱 ~ art of singing; 芭蕾舞演员每天练 ~。 Ballet dancers practise their skill every day. ❹ (一个力使物体沿力的方向通过一段距离) work:变热为 ~ convert heat into work; 机械 ~ mechanical work ❺ (姓氏) a surname:~ 景 Gong Jing ◆功败垂成 fail on the verge of success;suffer defeat when victory is within reach;abandon work near completion;a slip between the cup and the lip;failed in the end;between the cup and the lip;fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success;fail only when nearing success;fall through when success is in sight;fail at the last moment;flop just before the finish;a failure that was nearly a success;One's attempt fails when success is already in sight.;suffer defeat when victory is within one's grasp; 功标青史 cause one's fame to glow in the pages of history; 功不恕过 No merit can wipe out one's faults.; 功臣 meritorious statesman;a person who has rendered outstanding service; 功臣自居 regard oneself as having rendered a great service (to ...);give oneself the airs of a hero;self-styled distinguished veteran; 功成不居 disclaim all achievements one has made;claim no credit for one's service; 功成名就[遂] achieve success and win recognition [acquire fame];have work done and recognized;accomplish both success and fame; 功成名立 achieve success and win recognition; 功成身退 retire after winning merit;retire from political life after winning tremendous successes;retire after having made one's mark;retire after having rendered meritorious service;rest [repose;retire] on one's laurels;retire from public life after a great work is done [accomplished];功成业就 be crowned with success; 功垂竹帛 One's deeds will live forever in history.;be recorded in history in letters of gold; 功大于过 One's deeds outweigh one's faults.;Merits outweigh demerits.;One's merits outweigh errors.;One's achievements outweigh one's errors.; 功单位 unit of work; 功到事成 Constant effort yields sure success.;With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.; 功德 merits and virtues;{佛教} charitable and pious deeds;benefaction;beneficence;works; 功德无量 Kindness knows no bounds.;great service to mankind;boundless beneficence;The benefits (we have received from him) are beyond measure.; 功德圆满 come to a successful issue;round it off; 功分配 distribution of work; 功夫 workmanship;skill;art;ability;acrobatic fighting;skill in wushu; 功夫片 (the) action-filled martial arts' film; 功高不赏 unrewardable merit; 功高望重 highly meritorious and respectable; 功归人,过归己 for accomplishment he gives others the credit;for failures,he takes all the blame; 功过不分 No distinction is made between merits and demerits.; 功过相抵 Merits offset faults.;Merits equal demerits.;Deserts equal faults.; 功耗 power dissipation;consumption; 功绩 merits and achievements;contribution;feats; 功课 schoolwork;school lesson;lessons;task;homework; 功亏一篑 lack a basketful — work not completed;abandon work that has been seriously undertaken;be just one step short of success [completion];between the cup and the lip;fail to succeed for lack of a final effort;fall short of completion by one basket of earth;fail on the eve of complete success;fail to build a mound for want of the last basket of earth;fail to make the final effort [finishing touch];just fall short of final completion;fall short of success at the last stage; 功劳 contribution;meritorious service [deed];credit; 功利 utility;material gain; 功率 {物} power;rate of work;capacity factor;capacity;activity; 功率表 power meter;wattmeter; 功率放大器 power amplifier;station amplifier; 功率耗散 power dissipation;wattage dissipation; 功率(频)谱 power spectrum; 功懋懋赏 reward the merit as one deserves; 功名 scholarly honour or official rank (in feudal times); 功名富贵 rank,success,fame and riches;officialdom,wealth and fame;fame and riches and honours;fame and fortune; 功名利禄 high official positions and riches; 功难掩过 the merit is not enough to redeem the offenses; 功能 function; 功能键 function key; 功能码 function code; 功能模拟 functional simulation; 功能评估 functional evaluation; 功能性 functionality; 功首罪魁 a man stand the first both in merit and crime;the chief hero and arch-criminal; 功同赏异 The same service receive different rewards.; 功完行满 achieve all; 功微德薄 (My) merit is small and (my) virtue meager.; 功效 effect;efficiency;behaviour;efficacy; 功勋 exploit;meritorious service;feats;outstandingly meritorious deed (down for the nation); 功勋绶带 fourragers; 功业 exploits;achievements; 功业彪炳 One's achievement is distinguished.;One's feat is noteworthy and successful.; 功用 function;usage;effect;use; 功照日月 One's achievements outshine the sun and moon.; 功罪 merit |