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Ⅰ ❶ (力量; 能力) power; strength; ability; capacity: 眼 ~ eyesight; 生命 ~ vitality; 号召 ~ public appeal; 人 ~ manpower; 财 ~ financial power; 物 ~ material resources; 创造 ~ creativity
❷ {物} (改变物体运动状态的作用) force; energy; power: 磁 ~ magnetic force; 张 ~ tension; 水 ~ hydraulic power; 离心 ~ centrifugal force
❸ (专指体力) physical strength: 膂 ~ 过人 physically stronger than other people; 大 ~ 士 a man of great strength; beef; 筋疲 ~ 尽 utterly exhausted
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 广 Li Guang Ⅱ (尽力; 竭力) energetically; strenuously; vigorously: ~ 谏 try all one can to remonstrate; ~ 求上进 strive vigorously to improve oneself [to do better]; ~ 争上游 endeavor to gain the upper hand Ⅲ (努力; 尽力) do all one can; make every effort: 办事不 ~ not do one's best in one's work; not pull one's weight
◆力巴[方] not adept; awkward; clumsy; layman; 力臂 {物} arm; arm of force; tension arm; 力避 try one's best to avoid or evade; 力不从心 One's strength does not match one's ambitions.; ability falling short of one's wishes; ability not equal to one's ambition; be unable to do as well as one would wish; bite off more than one can chew; far exceed one's power; 力场 field of force; force-field; 力大如牛 as powcrful as an ox; be as robust as a bull; with the strength of a bull; 力竭声嘶 exhausted from effort; One's voice is [becomes] hoarse from weariness.; with voice hoarse and not an ounce of strength left; 力戒 strictly avoid; do everything possible to avoid; guard against; 力矩 {力} force moment; moment; moment of force; torque; 力量 physical strength; ability; power; force; strength; leverage; 力偶 {力} couple; couple of forces; force couple; 力排众议 do one's utmost to hold one's own opinion against that of the majority; hold one's ground; override all objections prevail over all dissenting views; refute the consensus and present a new plan [idea]; reject strongly different opinions; stand one's ground; prevail over all dissenting views; denounce the majority opinion; 力气 physical strength; effort; 力求 make every effort to; do one' best to; strive to; 力所不及 beyond one's strength [ability]; be beyond [out of] one's depth; be beyond [out of] one's power; put a quart in pint pot; 力所能及 do everything in one's power; as one's capacity allows; in one's power; the best of one's power; 力图 try hard to; strive to; {力} forced diagram; 力挽狂澜 turn back the powers of darkness; do one's utmost to stem a raging tide [save a desperate situation]; make vigorous efforts to turn the tide; 力线 {物} flux line; line of flux; line of force; force line; 力行 try hard to practise; 力学 mechanics; 力战 fight hard; 力争 work hard for; do all one can to; argue strongly; contend vigorously; 力争上游 aim high; strive for the best; endeavour to gain the upper hand; strive for the first place; strive for the upper reaches of a stream






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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:07:42