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❶ (用刀、斧等使物破开) split; chop; cleave: ~ 木柴 chop wood; split logs; 在矮树林中 ~ 出一条路来 cleave a path through the undergrowth; 有些木头好 ~。 Some kinds of wood split easily.
❷ (雷电毁坏或击毙) strike: 老树让雷 ~ 了。 The old tree was struck by lightning.
❸ (正对着; 冲着) right against (one's face, etc.): 大浪朝我们 ~ 面打来。 Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us. 倾盆大雨 ~ 头盖脸地浇了下来。 The rain came pelting down.
❹(裂; 裂开) split open; crack
❺[书] (割; 划破) cut; scratch
❻(砍; 杀) slash at sb. (with a sword, axe, etc.)
❼(以手掌拍击) slap Ⅱ {物} (简单机械, 尖劈) wedge
另见 see also pǐ。
◆劈波斩浪 cleave [slash] through the waves; 劈刺 {军} sabre or bayonet fighting; 劈刀 chopper; {军} sabre fighting; 劈斧 {林} broad axe; 劈开 rive; split; 劈理 {地} cleavage; schistosity; striation; seratification; foliation; 劈里啪啦 crackle; splutter; 劈脸 direct in the face; right in the face; 劈啪 crack; 劈山 level off hilltops; cut through hills; blast cliffs; 劈手 make a sudden snatch; 劈头 straight on the head; right in the face; 劈头盖脸 scold sb. to his face; a vicious assault on a person; direct to one's head and face; give (a blow) direct in the face; right in the face; tear into strike a person in the head wit a heavy blow broad enough to cover his whole face; 劈胸 right against the chest; straight on the breast:

❶ (分开; 分) divide; split: 把绳子 ~ 成三股 split the rope into three strands
❷ (分裂; 使离开原物体) break off; strip off: ~ 莴苣叶 strip the outer leaves off lettuces
❸ (腿或手指等过分叉开) injure one's legs or fingers by opening them too wide
另见 see also pī 。
◆劈叉 do the splits; 劈柴 split or chop firewood; kindling; firewood; 劈腿 trestle; tressel






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