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[动] ❶ (破开) cut [rip] open: 把鱼肚子 ~ 开 cut open the belly of a fish
❷ (分辨; 分析) analyse; examine; dissect: ~ 明事理 analyse the whys and wherefores; make an in-depth analysis
◆剖白 explain oneself; vindicate oneself; 剖腹藏珠 cut one's belly to hide a pearl — sacrifice life for the sake of gain; rip open the stomach and hide a pearl — sacrifice life for money; 剖腹产 caesarean birth; cesarean; cesarean section; 剖腹刀 laparotome; 剖腹明心 slit one's belly to show loyalty — lay open one's heart [to conceal nothing]; disclose one's real feelings; tear the heart out of one's breast and show it to ...; make a clean breast of ...; bare one's heart in all sincerity; 剖腹术 laparotomy; celiotomy; coeliotomy; ventrotomy; 剖腹自杀 lay open the bowel and commit suicide; hara-kiri;
剖肝沥胆 show sb. one's inmost feelings; 剖解 analyse; dissect; 剖里革 split; 剖面 {地质} bisect; section; profile; 剖析 analyse; dissect; decompose; parse;
剖心自白 open one's heart and clear one's reputation





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