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单词 instinct
instinct/′ɪnstɪ ŋkt/ n & adj

n (1)本能(natural tendency to behave or react in a particular way without thinking or training)[UC] [Nt] :be guided by~受本能支配;Birds learn to fly/know how to build a nest by~. 鸟儿学飞/知道怎样筑巢是出于本能。 the herd/hereditary/homing/linguistic/primitive human~群居/遗传/返回原地/语言/人的原始的本能;the~to survive/protect the young 生存/保护幼崽的本能;Their natural~s led pigeons back to the roost. 鸽子的自然本能使它们返回鸽棚。

(2)天性,直觉(natural feeling that makes a person choose to act in a certain way)[UC] [N(for)]:act on/know from~凭直觉行事/知道;trust one's~s 相信自己的直觉;arouse her maternal~唤起她作母亲的天性;destructive/killer~破坏/杀手的天性;have an~for art/colour/sports/making money/always doing and saying the right thing 具有艺术/色彩/体育运动/赚钱/做事说话永不出错的天性;With the~of a poet,he saw in it effective material for a drama. 他以一个诗人的直觉看出其中有动人的戏剧素材。

adj 充满(filled with)[A(with)] [作pred]:a picture~with life 充满生气的绘画;a book~with sentiments 充满伤感的书; a situation~with great possibilities 极有可能出现的形势;be~with confidence 充满信心;

→ins′tinctive adj 本能的,直觉的;ins-′tinctively adv 本能地,直觉地





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