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单词 instance
instance/′ɪnstǝns/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt[-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d,/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)例子,事例(example)[C] [N(of)]:cite (give/quote) a concrete/a familiar/a ready-at-hand/a typical~引用(举/引用)一个具体/熟悉/现成/典型的例子;furnish abundant~s 提供丰富的例证;an~of carelessness/extreme poverty/injustice/correct use of double prepositions/her being deliberately rude 粗心大意/极度贫困/不公正/正确使用双介词/她故作粗鲁的一个实例;

(2)情况(particular case)[C]:in most/some~s 在多数情况下/在一些场合;in a given~在某一特定场合;only in rare~s 只有在罕见的情况下;in this/the present/your~在这种/目前的/你这种情况下;He related the~of which he was an eyewitness. 他讲述了他亲眼目睹的情况。

at the instance of sb 应某人的请求或建议(fml):I did it at the~of my colleagues. 我是应同事们之请做这事的。

for instance 例如:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving;for~,training lions. 有些工作比开卡车更危险,例如驯狮。

in the first instance 起初,首先:In the first~we had better make sure the calculations are correct.首先我们最好确保计算正确。

vt 举例(give as an example)[T+n]:He~d the fly as a dirty insect.他举出苍蝇作为肮脏昆虫的例子。






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